Another energy efficient car is now out in the market and ready to hit the road without messing out our clean air. This new 2009 Jetta TDI is runs quietly using a technology called the clean diesel. Through a test drive, it has been discovered that 97% of highway diesel fuel pumps are now dispensing Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) that drastically reduces the particulate matter emission from diesel engines. It burns up 98.5% cleaner than those vehicles during the 70s, which thus reduces 97% les sulfur. In addition, the Jetta also has a diesel particulate filter to reduce particulate emissions. This new Jetta is now available in all 50 states of the U.S.
Source : VW via MetaEfficient
Take note that in Canada, 100% of diesel fuel pumps are now dispensing ULSD, highway or not.