Misc Recycle

Recyclable Paper Waste Bin: Disposing Your Waste Sustainably

Disposing of our waste sustainable is a project by almost every government unit worldwide. We have heard already about segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Then came along another way of segregating waste according to type like paper, tin cans, glass bottles, PET bottles, and the like that is now becoming a practice by many …

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Misc Outdoors

Disposable Eco Bag For A Greener World

It is so nice to hear that many of the grocery stores are now into green packaging by replacing the traditional plastic bags into a greener one like the disposable Eco Bag. Designed for your green products like parsley, fennel, onions, and more, the disposable eco bag is harmless to the environment and is made …

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Bio Bag: Fashionably Eco-friendly

Show you care and show your style when shopping with the Bio Bag. Plastic bags have been gaining attention for so long and it causes harm to the environment already. Show you care by refraining from the use of plastic bags when shopping. The Bio bag is a bag that will remind you of how …

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Reusable Grocery Bags from CYMA

Grocery bags are just one of the basic things that are with us almost everyday or on a weekly basis. Normally, grocery stores are using plastic and paper bags as containers of their grocery products. The problem with these containers is they are not reusable, though plastic bags can be recycled as a garbage bag. …

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