Spice-Vice Versa: Grows Your Herbs Indoor

Putting some indoor plants in our home will create a refreshing and clean ambiance, as we all know that plants are natural air fresheners. However, with the growing problem in space shortage, more and more people are deprived of having plants in their homes. Not anymore today with Ana Arguezo’s Spice-Versa. The Spice-Vice Versa is …

Shift: A Car Concept That Will Help Save The Environment

Driving while saving mother earth, isn’t it a good aim to achieve? Green car technology is now constantly growing. If you were to observe of the design, they evolve each day from the weirdest design to now an elegant and stylish one. The Shift Concept car from Dacia is not only stylish and elegant. This …

Sustainable Living: Xenian Have Pruposed House Designs For You

Living sustainable is easily possible nowadays. You can choose from the numerous ways available and sustainable home lighting system is just a few of the best ways to live sustainably. Xenian Home in an Australian based architectural lighting company that provides sustainable lighting system in every home and it includes the use of LED lighting …

Turner: A Solar Charged LED Light

I really get fascinated easily with designs that has special functions or specialty in it. Yes! We have seen lots of solar lighting systems in the market today, as they are popping out like mushroom today. It is true that these types of lamps are the answer of the call for helping the environment safe …

The Ice Cool Fridge By Daniel Mason

With the growing concern about nature, designer Daniel Mason created the Ice Cool Fridge to show how the future home appliances will definitely look like. The Ice Cool has a look similar to the current fridges that we currently see in the market today. However, Ice Cool has an efficient hybrid cooling technology that causes …

Green=Tech Design By Andrej Statskij

GREEN=TECH is a new furniture conception created by designer Andrej Statskij. It is a combination of glass /or acrylic/ furniture with plants /natural or artificial box-trees / in a unique products where furniture and plants have common design idea and even form of furniture and plants correspond to the each other.GREEN=TECH products always like indivisible …

Lawnpc : Self-Sustaining Computer System by David Veldkamp

Lawnpc is a self-sustaining computer system. It creates all of the power it needs to operate with help from solar energy. Overall the Lawnpc would save an average of 876 kWh and 800 kg of carbon dioxide per computer per year. Multiple that by the projected 1 billion computers in the world and the environmental …

Futuristic and Eco Friendly Renault Ondelios Car Concept

Renault Ondelios is a concept car that will surely answer everybody’s desire for a sleek and futuristic car designs. Its butterfly-typed side doors that adds its futuristic look is perfect for travelers that are into roads with wide areas. The Renault Ondelios is especially designed for long distance travel, and will soon be displayed at …

Peugeot Sport 908 HDi FAP Racing Car Concept with with Hybrid Power and Kinetic Energy Recovery System

Racing cars are generally gas indulgers. However, car manufacturers are now starting to make some ways on how to save on gas while being still on the track. F1 has started their kinetic energy recovery system already and will be on the racetrack starting 2009. Peugeot will soon be using the same system on their …

Hy-Bird Solar Hydrogen Plane

Enthusiastic about saving nature from all hazards and on the other hand you can’t go without using the latest technology which damages the nature to some extent. The solar-hydrogen plane is here for the rescue. This plane by Lisa planes is a light weight model made of light carbon fibers. Its main power source is …