Save On Your Cleaning Materials With The Eco-brush

We all clean our bathroom and kitchens with an effective brush but the eco-brush offers not only a clean and amazing output but also a sustainable and less effect to the environment. This eco-friendly brush designed by Anthony Moles will not only let you clean but also will encourage you to reduce the use of …

Chess Sets Made Of Recycled Materials: Unique Look With Eco-friendly Effect

Chess is a relaxing and fun game to play with friends, family, and colleagues. If you are a lover of chess, do not care much about how your toy would look like and cares a lot for the environment, then you surely enjoy looking at these amazing chess sets made from recycled items. Some looks …

The iPod Charging And Packaging: A Zero Waste Packaging Design By Sverre Wiik Oberg

When talking about eco-friendly packaging designs, we have heard a lot about designs made of sustainable materials like paper, bamboo, reclaimed wood or plastic, and more. Norwegian designer Sverre Wiik Oberg created an extremely unique eco-friendly packaging design. I called it a zero-waste design because the product can works as your packaging and iPod charger …

Art Exhibition Pieces Made From Waste

An exhibition is happening at the Global Environment Information Center or GEIC in Tokyo, Japan and the masterpieces in the said exhibition are made of pigments, felt, nonflammable cloth, fluorescent lights, acrylic cases and more. With the materials used, the exhibition is called “Is This Waste?” Investigating the possibilities of using waste or rejected material …

The Waste Is The Best: Cool And Green Handmade Collection

Green acts from the designers of Skate Study House catches my attention. They were able to create various kinds of furniture like the space shelves, cobble chair and spine table out from those 100% throwaway materials and excess skateboards cutouts of laminated wood. All have astounding look to the point that you will never think …

A DIY Recycled Floppy Disk Penholder

Recycled Floppy Disk penholder is part of DIY project “how to make things from waste material”. Gone are the days when floppy disks are the king of removable data storage. Today, many of them are tossed to landfills, thus adds up to the mountain of landfills we have, which is not a good thing to …

Smile Stool: A Collaboration Of Contemporary Design And Indonesian Craftsmanship

With a creative mind, nothing will hinder someone from creating functional and eco-friendly furniture pieces. The Smile Stool prototype is just one of the great examples. Designed by Fitorio Leksono, the Smile Stool is made of waste materials from different wood furniture industry and an embedded rod metal construction. This only shows that the limited …

Skinni By Adrien Rovero

With the aim to turn waste materials derived from animals back into animals, Swiss designer Adrien Rovero has design the Skinni. SKinni is a collection of toys made from leather off-cuts in collaboration with leather manufacturer Thomas Posenanski. The leather off-cuts are thencut using a computerized cutting machine and folded it into animal shapes then …

ADEX: An Eco-friendly Housing By Alberto Lara and Paula Noguron

An eco-friendly housing system ADEX is another self-sufficient pre fabricated housing that works out perfectly on an off-grid living. It has the ability to adopt its different site and eventually meets the changing needs of its surroundings. Made from an interlocking system of prefabricated pieces, the ADEX is easy to install anywhere and is capable …

Nice Product Made From Scrap

Designers are used to create new designs and concepts made from first hand materials. However, Scraplab work on a different way. They are working on to create valuable products from waste materials. The results are eventually positive, as the samples seen on these photos look good and unique. Each of them looks unique and one …