Taste Lets You Experience Easy Cooking While Saving The Environment

Instant items are hitting the mainstream today with the busy schedules that we are currently into. If we are caught on liking to instant foods, even we actually know the lack of health benefits it can offer, we can offer or cook and serve our family with healthy foods with the help of Taste. Taste …

Monte Rosa Eco-mountain Hut Design: Sustainably Stylish

When building homes on a mountain, it is highly expected to be eco-friendly, as architects will automatically sourced the materials locally. However, with the strong influence of modernization, some are blinded with the modern construction materials available in the market today but not the Switzerland Alpine Club that designed the Monte Rosa Mountain Hut. The …

Australian High Speed Vehicle: Another Invention For Green Transportation

Sustainable transport has always been a dream of people across the globe. With the current climate change issue, majority of us are surely aware of the current climate condition and know how we can help to save mother earth. Sustainable transportation is one of the most popular ways to help save the earth. Hybrid cars …

Ponto: An Eco-friendly Water Transport Vehicle

Water transport is common worldwide and we all know the water transport like ships produce carbon emission every time they travel. With caring the environment in mind, designer Yulya Besplemennova designed the Pronto water transport. This environment-friendly water vehicle uses hybrid diesel and paddle wheel that are sustainable enough for daily use. The Pronto has …

Ecophones: Eco-friendly Tool For Your Music Indulgence

You love music? Love you listen to your favorite songs even on the go or in the public with your headphones on? You can do it in an eco-friendly way with the Ecophones by Joseph Carney. This eco-friendly headphone uses different eco-friendly materials for your sustainable music indulgence. Thus, you can enjoy music while caring …

Recycled Paper Cup Lamp: Gives Your Ray Of Honeycomb Light

Earth friendly designs have gone too far these days. We have seen designs using eco-friendly materials like paper, bamboo and the like because these can be easily disposed of and decompose fast especially papers. This is one of the reasons why paper cups are made and are rarely recycled. However, designers from Japan find ways …

Beute Lamps: A Beautiful Lamp Out Of Discarded Cardboards

Discarding cardboard may not harm the environment that much, as cardboards easily decomposes. However, would not it be a better world if we get the courage to recycle every little thing in this world? It surely will not hurt us as humans and it will not let us compromise style and comfort we currently are …

White House: Another Repurposed Structure In By The Scottish Architects

Undoubtedly, old structures are built with quality. One cannot easily wreck them out without exerting extra effort. However, why do we need to wreck old structures when we can repurposed them for another use. In this way, we can be of help to the environment, as it surely will minimize landfills. In addition, repurposing old …

Virtue Blue: A Chandelier Powered By Solar Butterflies

With the numerous sustainable products available in the market today, people should have no excuse in keeping the environment safe. Recycling have been introduced, we have the hybrid cars, solar powered items and more. The Virtue Blue Chandelier is another addition. It is very heartwarming to see various sustainable designs created by designers just to …

Recyclable Paper Waste Bin: Disposing Your Waste Sustainably

Disposing of our waste sustainable is a project by almost every government unit worldwide. We have heard already about segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Then came along another way of segregating waste according to type like paper, tin cans, glass bottles, PET bottles, and the like that is now becoming a practice by many …