Center For Sustainable Energy Technologies By Mario Cucinella Architects

Mario Cucinella Architects built the Center for Sustainable Energy Technologies in China as part of Nottingham University expansion in Ningbo, China. The building will focus on the use of sustainable energy like the solar power, photovoltaic energy, wind power, and the list goes on. This newly built building will house visitor’s center, research laboratories, and …

C,mm,n Electric Car: For Your Sustainable Personal Mobility

Pronounced as common, the C,mm,n is an electric car that will address the problem of pollution and carbon emission that we are experiencing at the moment. This eco-car is based on an open source concept wherein the said eco-car is open to everybody. The whole world can freely take part in the development in the …

Aora Solar: The World’s First Hybrid Solar Power Plant

It is nice to hear that getting green energy is getting more efficient and sustainable these days. The Aora Solar that is erected in a 0.5acres field in Israel is the amazing proof. The Aora Solar is a hybrid solar power plant that has the ability to generate 100 kilowatts of electric power in addition …

Drive Fast With The Chocolate Powered Racer

Wanting to drive a racing car that is environment friendly? Pursue your dream with the world’s first Formula 3 racing car made from sustainable materials. The steering wheel of this eco-car is made from carrots and is powered by waste chocolate and vegetable oil. The bodyworks of the car are made with potatoes. This is …

Household Dry Food Cooking: For A Sustainable Way Of Living

When we say sustainable living, various creations and inventions are always present. This time around, the household dry food storage will definitely fill in your passion of living sustainably. Included in the household dry storage are solar oven that is built in the bumper of a handmade motor home, pressure cooker in homemade thermal blanket, …

Solar Decathlon Wet Shower For A Sustainable Bathroom

The contemporary and eco-friendly bathroom design from talented designers David Choi, Hector Silva, Jim Ruck, and Jeremey Watson really amazes me. This sustainable bathroom has various eco friendly features including the bamboo or wooden floor, Tera LED lights, solar powered panels and much more. Aside from the eco-friendly features, the solar decathlon bathroom also has …

Solar Powered Umbrella by Becky Barber

Umbrellas are used in either rainy or sunny season for protection. However, designer Becky Barber gives our umbrellas a different purpose aside from it being a useful gear when we are outdoor. She had created the solar powered umbrella, using a waterproof thin film solar technology material that is placed on top of the solar …

Wind Light Vehicle : Wind-Powered Transportation Concept

Futuristic wind powered vehicle with a wing-like device to propel it along, just like a kite! “Wind Light Vehicle” is also an electric car concept with the idea of creating sustainable transportation in mind, which mean, you don’t have to worry if there’s no wind around, the electric motor in each of its three wheels …

JVS Sound Garden Modular Speakers Made of Sustainable Materials

Japan Victor Company or JVC has been known for their astounding quality of appliances from television sets to sound systems. This time around, JVC has created a unique electronic device that comes in a form of a bonsai plant. This Sound Garden concept is made of sustainable materials. With this concept, JVC has proved that …

Le Projet Triangle : Sustainable Triangular Building by Herzog and de Meuron

Sustainable buildings bring great advantages especially to those who want to save from energy, gas, lessen carbon emission and more earth saving concerns. More and more people are now aiming for self-sustainable infrastructures just like the architects Herzog and de Meuron who have presented their design for a triangular building in the Porte de Versailles …