PowerbrusHâ‚‚O: Your Eco-friendly Tool To Clean Your Fleet

If you are into a fleet business, then you probably are facing the cost of clening your fleet. Since a clean fleet will represent your business and your company’s professionalism, you have to choice but to do it. Today you can save money in cleaning your fleet using the PowerbrusHâ‚‚O, which will transform your messy …

Tree Trunk Cabinets: Your Stylish And Eco-friendly Home Furniture Piece

We have benefited the environment so much. Now that it is in danger, let us all work hand in hand to keep the environment safe from global warming. We can do a lot of things in our own little ways like saving water, electric usage, zero carbon emission production process and more. If you want …

Banana Leaves: A Classic Tool For Packaging The Future

In my childhood, my classmates and I are fond of using the banana leaves to pack our lunch. It creates an appetizing smell, enhanced food flavor and promotes less cleaning works after meal, as we only throw the used leaves in the garbage bin. As time flies, plastic lunch boxes are hitting the market leaving …

EcoCoffee: An eco-friendly Coffee Maker

We love coffee and we get ourselves a dose or two everyday just to keep us rejuvenated and revitalized. However, have we ever thought of sipping our favorite coffee with care to the environment? The EcoCoffee coffee maker is eco-friendly enough to help you drink your favorite coffee with care to the environment. The process …

Straddling Bus: The Eco-friendly Public Transport Of The Future

Traffic jam is a common problem to big cities around the globe. To minimized traffic, various alternatives are being considered and the Straddling Bus cab probably is one of the best. The Straddling Bus is a public transport powered by electricity and sun. This wonderful bus transport is a two story bus and carries its …

One Central Park: A Garden Park Architecture Design

We all want to help save the environment, which is why various designs are coming out today. The One Central Park is one of it. Presented in 2008 and designed by Jean Nouvel, the One Central had gained approval just recently. This two-tower structure has a dozen of vertical gardens across the façade of the …

Bambu: An Eco-gardening Project For The Elderly

Who said that it is too late for the elders to do good for the environment? Never been too late with the Bambu, and eco-gardening project concept for the elders. This project gives the elders the ability to get active by growing plants in an urban living set-up or simply called as the urban gardening. …

SoloPower: A Rollable Solar Panels

We all know that one way of saving from your energy usage and help save the environment is by the use of solar panels. We have seen different solar panel models and they came in different sizes. Today, another unique solar panels are coming our way to help us save the environment and lower down …

GreenAid: Your Tool To Change For Change

When we say eco-friend and do cared for the environment, there are many consideration to make in order to be hailed as eco-friendly like using recycled or recyclable items, using sustainable energy, using earth friendly designs and more. Saving those trees can be the best thing that we can do for us to be considered …

Enoki Rome Ecocity: OFL Architecture’s Sustainable Project

Designing and eco-friendly structure requires a lot of courage, inspiration, and love for the environment. Claimed to be eco-friendly and sustainable, the Enoki Rome Ecocity by the OFL Architecture is a sustainable project that is installed above Rome. The Enoki is a 150 stories structure that has self-contained small cities. Residences, commercial spaces, green areas, …