The Eco-lamp Design Will Definitely Help You Save Energy On your Lighting Need

Saving on energy while achieving elegant design will be a wish granted with the Eco-lamp design. This sustainable lighting system design features photovoltaic cells, which we all know collects sunlight and convert it into useful energy for the lamp to function.

BioLite Home Stove: Cooks Your Foods While Reducing Carbon Emission

Despite of the modern lifestyle that we are in right now and the highly modernize device that are widely available, many of our brothers and sisters from other parts of the globe are still in the less updated lifestyle like cooking indoors in with open wood fires. We all know that this cooking process produces …

Pinecone: An Eco-friendly Lamp Made From Birch Plywood

Eco-friendly lighting systems are now sprouting like mongo in number. More and more designers are now into creating eco-friendly designs to give their share in caring for the environment. The Pinecone by Jonas Lonborg is just another addition to the wide variety of eco-friendly and stylish lighting systems for your home or office. Mimicking the …

SUN Container: A Sustainable Radiator That Collects Solar Power

A radiator is an important heating solution for people living in areas with longer cold seasons. Having a radiator at home obviously causes for their electricity bill to balloon and eat up a huge chunk of their monthly budget. The SUN container is an additional heating solution that works like a radiator but will not …

A School Of Grass Is A School For Us

If you are aware enough, you have probably known that grass can prevent soil erosion and thus can help us keep our surrounding healthy and free from calamities like flood. The School of Grass is not just simple school with green luscious ground but has grasses all over the building from its roof to its …

The V50 Hybrid Yacht: For A Clean Air And Clean Sea

Cruising is fun adventure and a great way to getaway the hassles of the city life. However, isn’t it even better if we will do it with care to the environment? The V50 Hybrid Yacht is a project from Vismara that has the aim to achieve the Sea Clean, Air Clean motto. The V50 is …

Different Recycling Ideas For A Greener Surroundings

Even when thing are recycled or are made of recycled materials, spending a some amount of money Is sometimes needed to complete a design made of recycled materials. However, recycling can also cost you zero to a very minimal amount depending on the design you are making and how will you recycle things. Many of …

Beute Lamps: A Beautiful Lamp Out Of Discarded Cardboards

Discarding cardboard may not harm the environment that much, as cardboards easily decomposes. However, would not it be a better world if we get the courage to recycle every little thing in this world? It surely will not hurt us as humans and it will not let us compromise style and comfort we currently are …

Recycled Paper Lampshade: Wraps Your Bulbs In A Clean And Stylish Way

We all love reading the Sunday headline in our favorite newspapers. Once we are done reading, our newspapers are already destined to our landfills, which will automatically add up to the mountains of landfills we have. With the aim to minimize landfill and help save the environment, many of our talented designers today are creating …

A Solar Powered Wind Turbine Produces Eco-friendly Energy In An Eco-friendly Way

We have heard a lot about wind turbines and solar panels. However, I am sure enough that keeping them work together in one is something new and extremely lovely to hear. Scientists from University of Liverpool lead by Dr. Joe King have come up with an ultra sustainable windmill. Yes! A windmill is sustainable enough …