Sustainable Products from Domestic Aesthetic

Sustainable products and living sustainably is now not impossible to happen already with the help of various companies creating products out of sustainable materials like what domestic aesthetic did. What made their products sustainable? It simply because, their products are made of recycled or recyclable materials or the product itself is readily recyclable or biodegradable. …

Lawnpc : Self-Sustaining Computer System by David Veldkamp

Lawnpc is a self-sustaining computer system. It creates all of the power it needs to operate with help from solar energy. Overall the Lawnpc would save an average of 876 kWh and 800 kg of carbon dioxide per computer per year. Multiple that by the projected 1 billion computers in the world and the environmental …

Nissan Nuvu Electric Car Concept for 2015

This solid gold ladybug looking like concept car is the latest electric concept car from Nissan. The Nissan Nuvu concept car stands out in at the Paris Motor Show and is considered as the coolest one. This cute 9-foot minicar is green in nature with its quiet electric motor and recycled raw materials. The car …

Hiya Series : Kids Products from Spot on Square

Hiya Series furniture is a new collection from Spot on Square. They have created the Hiya series for our kids comfort and safety as well. I called it safety because the company uses non-toxic paint on all of their products. They use low VOC non-toxic paints and MDF which is made of recycled/reclaimed materials on …

7 Amazing Olympic Green Buildings in Beijing

China has been known to have a polluted air for many years now. However, their courage of building an eco-friendly Olympic village will definitely change the image of China as the main contributor to our green house gases. They have used various eco friendly materials and processes to run the Olympic village. One sample of …

Oriens Glider – Energy Efficient Glider with Transparent Body

Eco friendly transportation does not only mean hybrid cars nowadays. The aviation group also has created their own version of eco-friendly plane called the Oriens Glider – an energy-efficient glider. Designed by Roland Cernat, it is completely made of recyclable materials. It also runs on clean energy and has a contemporary translucent shell finished with …

The Contemporary and Eco-Friendly Kitchen Concept

Having an eco-friendly life had been the focus of many designers nowadays when designing their new product. Just like what Ms Kate Jaclin did. Though she is still a student from the Queensland University of Technology, and is not yet a professional designer, she had designed a sustainable kitchen. The kitchen’s design is very elegant …

A Stylish Eco-Friendly Dryer Concept

Majority of the household today are experiencing an excessive energy usage. Almost all of their appliances are electric powered, from the washing machine to the dryer, refrigerator, television, personal computer and more. Inspired by the world’s current situation, David Emmett has designed the eco-dryer. Made of recycled and lo impact materials, the machine’s target market …

Bentley Technology Precinct – Perth’s Future Five Star Green Rater Subdivision

Hames Sharley has designed the Bentley Tehchnology Precinct, which is called as “Silicon Valley with a Soul”. It is set to be the largest redevelopment project in Perth, Southern Australia. Located within 1.5 kilometers from two regional shopping center and adjacent to Curlin University of Technology, this technology park has a total site area of …