Household Dry Food Cooking: For A Sustainable Way Of Living

When we say sustainable living, various creations and inventions are always present. This time around, the household dry food storage will definitely fill in your passion of living sustainably. Included in the household dry storage are solar oven that is built in the bumper of a handmade motor home, pressure cooker in homemade thermal blanket, …

Tupperware Composter: Composting In A Green And Stylish Way

Eco-friendly people will be very happy with the new creation from Tupperware. It is called as the Tupperware Composter designed by Ken Jasinski. Composting with the Tupper Ware Composter is very easy. All you have to do is to mix organic materials in a 1:5 ratio, add water until the pile is slightly moist, and …

Disco Choco by Natacha Lesty

The Disco Choco is an attractive packaging design that will definitely make the customers wanted to have the product. As the name of the packaging design suggests, the disco choco packaging looks as if a disco lights that’s shimmering and will definitely call the attention of the buyers. When the users open the packaging, inside …

Vessels And Vases Out Of Recycled Wine Bottle

After drinking your favorite wine, do not throw the bottles away to avoid them from hurting others when broken, adding up to mountains of landfills and hurting the environment. The best thing that you will do is to recycle them and create some interesting masterpiece out of your favorite wine’s bottles. Designers Emma Woffenden and …

Beautiful Creations Made From Recycled Bottle Caps

Normally, we discard the bottle caps of our beers, beverages, water and other bottled drinks. This act generally adds up the growing landfill and eventually destroys the environment. We can prevent this thing to happen if we will recycle those bottle caps instead of putting it to trash. Israeli artist Yoav Kotik has done the …

Enjoy the Snow with the Eco-Friendly Rennpappe

Having a temperature of 20 degrees below freezing will make your moment dull especially if you are just sitting doing nothing. Because of the cold temperature, employees of the village chairlift that has metal chairs like of a garden chair hanging from a cable offered the skiers a square of cardboard to sit on as …

Redondo Beach Container House For a Comfortable and Stylish Home

Containers are generally used in transporting products from one place to another, and when the containers are not desirable for used already, it is normally discarded already. Recycling it and creating wonderful and stylish homes is a good strategy to reduce wastes and landfills created by discarded used containers. The Redondo Beach Container House is …

Douclat Packaging: A Recyclable Chocolate Packaging

When it comes to packaging, it would be nicer to have it recyclable because it will not only give us the chance to save money from buying another product for the same purpose served by recycling the packaging, it will give us the chance from minimizing the growth of landfills and save the environment. Douclat …

Love The Environment, Use Green Bags

Bags are with us wherever we maybe. They are of different styles and designs. We have the shoulder bags, backpacks, body bag, shopping bags and more. Normally, we enjoy using our bags without even knowing where or from what materials they are made of. Your Green Bag will give your bags a different purpose and …

Le Package by Thomas Jonkajtys

Eco-friendly packaging is a great way of avoiding and adding up to landfills we have. Packaging can be made of eco-friendly materials or are recyclable. In this way, after enjoying the packed product, it is now the time to enjoy the pack itself. Joining with some other designers for eco-friendly packaging is Thomas Jonkajtys. He …