Ecoarmchair By Essent’al: Eco-friendly And Artistic Furniture

Furniture designers use different aspect to consider their creations as eco-friendly. Essent’al has recently created the Ecoarmchair, an artistic furniture with an upholstery made from repurposed scraps of cloth used in cleaning a printing press. The scrap cloths are cleaned by washing thoroughly to strip off any chemical residue and when the cleaning and washing …

Cigarette Butt Street Rug: An Eco-friendly Stylish Rug

After enjoying our stick of cigarette, butts are normally thrown away and destined to be on our landfills. Today, this cigarette butts will never distract the beauty of our place with the wonderful creation of Puerto Rican artist Jesus Bubu Negron that make use of cigarette butts called the cigarette butt street rug. The woven …

Keg Apartments: An Eco-mobile Home

Repurposing shipping containers are common nowadays, which invited designer Aristide Antonas in collaboration with Katerina Koutsogianni to repurposed used transportation trailers and create an eco-friendly mobile home from it. Instead of sending it to our landfills, we can have our homes from it. The trailers can also be detached from the car and use it …

Billboard And Traffic Signs: Recycled For A Green Furniture

We have seen lots of billboard and traffic signs discarded and destined to landfills after its useful life, which is obviously harmful to the environment. However, this will never be the situation anymore with Boris Bally’s series of furniture that are made of recycled billboard and traffic signs. From these supposed to be trash materials, …

The Urban Log Collection: Gives New Life To Urban Trees

Renewing our urban trees and giving them a new life is a good of saving the environment. Instead of using these trees are firewood or sending them to waste, which eventually lead to constant growth of landfills, renewing them and using them into a new purpose will not only save the environment and our trees …

Greening Star: A Structure That Answer Numerous Environmental Problems

With the growing concern for the environment, more and more designers are creating architectural designs to help make saving the environment easier. Hailed as the Greening Star, this architectural design by Juan Manuel Bustos the Greening Star has the ability to aid problems in energy, pollution, and water sources. The designer uses solar panels that …

Flicker: Packs Things And Lights Up Rooms

Packaging materials are generally destined to be on our landfills after every use, which is eventually not a good idea for the environments. With the aim to help save the earth, designer Randy Chiang has created the Flicker, a packaging designed that allows users to recycle and use it as a lamp. The Flicker can …

Last Place: En Eco-Friendly Bench

Cobblers of the past use shoe lasts to repair and make new shoes. With the constant evolution of shoemaking process, these shoe lasts became obsolete and eventually destined to be on the landfills. However, Dressler Brothers prevent the shoe lasts from being on the landfills and recycled it and made the eye-catching bench called the …

BAGGU: For A Green Shopping Experience

Shopping is fun and relaxing for many. As a result, packaging used for the items we shop are generally destined to be on our landfills and thus making our landfills grow fast. This will not be the scenarios anymore since the birth of BAGGU. BAGGU is a shopping tote bag that allows user to reuse …

Bag To Life: To Safe Life And The Environment

If you are constantly traveling via plane of ship, then you will definitely are familiar with the life vest or life jacket. These constantly used item for a recurring briefing by the attendants on planes and ships, also wear as time flies even if they are not in use and thus unused life jackets are …