Hanguenado: A Playful Solar Powered Lights

All we know about shoes is that, these are the one responsible in protecting our feet from possible harm as we walk or run. However, the Hanguenda is different from any other shoes that we know. This one of a king shoe-like wooden item protects not our feet but the environment, as it is a …

Introducing ‘Study of Life’ pendant lamp by Victor Vetterlein

It has always been a pleasure for us from IGreenSpot to be chosen to be one of the sites to publish designer’s works. This time it is Victor Vetterlein, who submitted his sustainable lamp design called Study of Life. From: Victor Vetterlein Study of Life pendant lamp is a sustainable design. The strong and flexible …

Shift: A Car Concept That Will Help Save The Environment

Driving while saving mother earth, isn’t it a good aim to achieve? Green car technology is now constantly growing. If you were to observe of the design, they evolve each day from the weirdest design to now an elegant and stylish one. The Shift Concept car from Dacia is not only stylish and elegant. This …

Lham Lamp: The Eco-friendly Outdoor Lighting System

In my childhood, I can remember my brother and his dynamos. He used it to power his toy cars. I am not really familiar with dynamos not until a great submission from Joan Rojeski disseny sostenible team to IGreenSpot was made. The group presented an eco-friendly lamp called the Lham Lamp. Looking at its photos, …

Recompute: A Sustainable Computer

Computers are known to be a great contributor of carbon emission and use too much electricity. However, since computers are becoming a necessity nowadays, manufacturers came to mind various ways to make this widely used technology nowadays an eco-friendly one. They have created the Recomputer that is eco-friendly from the manufacturing to usage to disposal. …

Townpoad Concept: Nissans New Zero Emission Car

Displayed on the Paris Auto Show the Townpod EV concept is another eco-friendly vehicle that will soon bridge the world of private and commercial vehicles. The Townpod carries a sleek and elegant external look with its Stratosphere White body paint. The car’s touch screen display that allows the users to cooperate with their PDA’s made …

Pugeot EX1: An Electric Car Concept

Driving with care to the environment needs not to be traditional and pedal powered. The Pugeot EX1 is a sports car concept that is electric power. With this car concept, drivers can now drive luxuriously without feeling guilty of producing too much carbon emission. Aside from being an eco-friendly car, the Pugeot EX1 also comes …

Sustainable Living: Xenian Have Pruposed House Designs For You

Living sustainable is easily possible nowadays. You can choose from the numerous ways available and sustainable home lighting system is just a few of the best ways to live sustainably. Xenian Home in an Australian based architectural lighting company that provides sustainable lighting system in every home and it includes the use of LED lighting …

Recycled Books: Completes The Stylish Library Information Desk

With the availability of modern technology nowadays, books have been gone outdated. We already have many e-books readers available in the market today, which resulted for old-school books to be discarded and destined to our landfills. This obviously is not favorable to the environment. However, with environment care in mind, more and more people have …