Parachute Hoodie: Your Sustainably Sourced Fashionable Hoodie

At first, I thought the Parachute Hoodie is a hoodie that works double as a parachute when needed. Surely, many would laugh at me. The story behind Parachute Hoodie is the sustainable act done to complete this stylish and fashionable hoodie. As its name suggests, the parachute hoodie is made of surplus Swiss military air-brake …

Hollis Crib: Holds Your Babies In A Sustainable Fashion

Our kids can already enjoy a clean lifestyle if let them be. Let us start with their crib. The Hollis Crib is a Charles Hollis Jones inspired mattress for your babies. It comes in clear acrylic finish, which added to the beauty and elegance of the product. The Crib has 3 level recyclable mattresses. What …

Pencil Shavings Necklace: Fashionably Trendy While Being Eco-friendly

When shaving our pencils, we normally do it right on top of our garbage bin or we use sharpeners with shaving container and discard the shavings to our bins every once in a while. If all of us in this world are doing this, our landfills will surely be filled with trash like pencil shavings. …

Vegan Bags, Where Fashion And Green Living Meet

Trendy fashion in an eco-friendly way is definitely ideal to those who failed to choose living the eco-friendly life due to wrong speculations that green living means living the country or classical way of life. GUNAS, a known brand for bags has introduce to the market their chic, hip, and fashionable yet eco-friendly Vegan Bags. …

Bio Bag: Fashionably Eco-friendly

Show you care and show your style when shopping with the Bio Bag. Plastic bags have been gaining attention for so long and it causes harm to the environment already. Show you care by refraining from the use of plastic bags when shopping. The Bio bag is a bag that will remind you of how …

OCO Floor Lamps By Santa & Cole: Eco-friendly And Fashion Friendly Lamp

It takes a lot of talent and creative mind to make an item out of a recycled material and make it look like made of a firsthand material one. Well, in the case of Santa & Cole, it seems like creating elegant and stylish item out of a recycled material is extremely easy for them …

The Phatport: Making Solar Power Part Of Human’s Lifestyle

If you have notice, more and more eco-friendly products are now easily available. In short, living the green lifestyle is not as hard as before anymore. If before, you have to live the simple life like using an old-fashioned mode of transportation like the bicycle, or use different products that are manufactured in an eco-friendly …

Hand Painted Canvass Bags: An Eco-friendly Yet Fashionably Trendy Bag

Living the eco-friendly way is not hard at all. Many have thought that it requires some suffering, for one will be limited to many things. This perception of green living is indeed a false one. One can be fashionable, trendy and live the normal fun life even if he or she opt to live the …

Ecobag: Allows You To Save The Environment Without Compromising Style

When sending gifts to our love ones, bags and wrappers are generally discarded and will obviously add up to the mountains of landfills we already had. To help minimize the growth of landfills, many of us do the recycling. The Ecobag by Paulo Amendoeria is just one of the products that will help people save …

Zero Waste Bag: Fashionable And Eco-friendly

Living fashionably green got even easier each day with the numerous eco-friendly products designed by environmentally friendly designers. The Zero Waste Bag will definitely be a new addition on your must-have-list for green living. Made of #2 (High-density Polyethylene or HDPE) plastic, the Zero Waste Bag allows its users to write or draw on it, …