Street Hopper: An Urban Eco-vehicle

How nice it is to travel with fun and ease of mind that you are not harming the environment. Industrial designer from Israel Adir Zilber designed a fun and eco-friendly transportation vehicle called the Street Hopper. The Street Hopper is a small scooter that provides and effective transportation to people in urban areas on their …

Puma’s Clever Little Bag: An Eco-friendly Alternative For Shoe Boxes

After knowing that shoeboxes produces tons of wastes each year, PUMA has decided to collaborate with designer Yves Behas or Fuse Project to design an eco-friendly shoe packaging for their shoe brand. In result, the Puma’s Clever Little Bag is born. Took 21 months to complete the project, Fuseproject’s Puma’s Clever Little Bag uses 65% …

Laundering: A Pedal Powered Washing Machine

Dong the laundry is probably the toughest job ever mom has causing the need of owning a washing machine to raise. As the need for a washing machine rises, the energy consumption of every house rises accordingly. Laundering, a concept washing machine design will surely minimize the energy consumption of ever household. Laundering is a …

Green Cuisine : The Kitchen Of The Eco-friendly World

Cooking your own food right at your dining table is a known dining practice in Asia. However, this will perhaps be soon a practice of everybody all over the world with the eco-friendly kitchen designed by Philips Design. The concept design allows users to prepare their food right at their dining table. The kitchen table …

Solar P-Flip By Dexim: Your Portable Solar Charger

Now that most of us are using different gadgets like the iPhone, iPod, and Blackberry, all has the ability to access the internet to keep us updated; we are obviously using more energy currently. With the help to reduce our energy consumption and eventually help save the environment, Dexim has created and launched their new …

Eco-Fridge Reduces Impact To The Environment

We all wanted to keep our food fresh all the time that is why; we use our refrigerator daily that resulted into a high energy consumption. With the aim to help the users keep his or her food fresh all day long whilst keeping the environment safe, Fiona Morris has created the Eco Fridge. Available …

The Treehouse By Hein-Troy

Green architecture designs are continuously improving as time flies. Today, another green architecture by Hein-Troy has been spotted situated in a place where the occupants and nature could live harmoniously with each other. The house itself looks like being camouflaged with its own environment, as the house is being surrounded with plants, and trees. It …

Sozawe By NL Architects

Green architecture has now becoming widespread to almost every corner of the world. The Sozawe by NL Architects is just another wonder addition to the eco-friendly building we have today. Located in Groningen City, the Sozawe building has office spaces, large interior public space, and 215 parking spaces.The building’s concrete floor cools the building during …

Tio Light Switch System By Tim Holley

With our kids being our future, as early as their young age let us teach them how to conserve energy. Designer Tim Holley in with us in our aim of molding our kids’ energy consumption attitude with his eco-friendly and kid-friendly product called the Tio Light System. Tio is a wall mounted switch that allows …

Turkey’s Green Architecture By RMJM Architects

Another green architecture is going to be built is Istanbul, Turkey that is scheduled to be completed in 2011. A project by RMJM Architects, this building will house residential units, five-star hotel is strongly possible., offices, and conference facilities. Best of all, this one of a kind architectural design has many green features, which include …