Helios Griller Transforms Sunlight into Usable Energy

Grilling is one of the favorite dishes I have. I usually use the traditional grilling process with the use of a fire. This may sound unfriendly to the earth but I swear the taste is exceptional. However, Helios is now here to help us continue our love of grilling but in an eco-friendly manner. Helios …

GotWind Recharge Pod : Mobile Phone Charging Station Powered Solely By Wind and Solar Renewable Energy

Everybody is now using a mobile phone as a means of communication and entertainment, and mobile phones are rechargeable and is claiming about one to two percent of the household’s power consumption. Gotwind has found a solution for the recharging issue of the mobile phones, and has come out to a project called the Gotwind …

Bedtime Originals Sail Away Lamp with Shade and Bulb: Lets Your Baby And The Environment Relieved

Seeing our kids, sound asleep and relieved at night is rewarding as parents but with Bedtime Originals Sail Away Lamp with Shade and Bulb, we are not only making our kids feel relieved but the environment too. Lampshades provide warm and relaxing illumination allowing our kids to sleep soundly. This sail away lamp from Bedtime …

Feel The Beauty Of Spring While Keeping The Earth Safe The Tree Of Life LED Desk Lamp

Spring is probably everyone’s favorite season with the beautiful and fragrant flowers that bloom but maybe not for those who have allergies. Anyway, even if one has an allergy, he or she can still enjoy spring with the eco-friendly lighting design by Victor Vetterlein, the Tree Of Life LED Desk Lamp. As its name suggests, …

Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet Will Let You Enjoy Technology With Care To The Environment

With the wide availability of technology and gadgets these days, it looks impossible for the environment to be safe. However, with the creative and earth-caring minds of our designers, keeping the environment safe is highly possible without depriving ourselves from using modern high-tech gadgets we have today including the Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet. The name …

How Can I Go Green? A Little Effort can Make the World a Better Place

How can I go green? If you have this question in your mind, you have come to the right place. It has become our duty to preserve our earth from the increasing green house effects and other pollution related damages. Therefore, opting for a greener living is not only an option any more; rather, it …

The V50 Hybrid Yacht: For A Clean Air And Clean Sea

Cruising is fun adventure and a great way to getaway the hassles of the city life. However, isn’t it even better if we will do it with care to the environment? The V50 Hybrid Yacht is a project from Vismara that has the aim to achieve the Sea Clean, Air Clean motto. The V50 is …

Eco-pulse: Your Smart Water Meter At Home

Electricity consumption per household has constantly growing with the popularity of modern technology and household appliance, which resulted into waste of energy most of the time. The Eco-pulse will eliminate this kind of energy wasting incident as it reminds you of your energy consumption in a cute and stylish manner. The product has the ability …

The Urchin Softlight: An Eco-friendly Yet Stylish Outdoor Lighting Solution

Stylish lamps don’t need to be energy consuming or be made of first hand materials. They can also be made of recycled items and uses energy saving lamp without sacrificing style and quality. The Urchin Softlight is just a few of the great examples of eco-friendly lighting system that are stylish and elegant. The Urchin …

T-System: A Street LED Lighting System

Street lighting is definitely one of the huge energy consumers in every town. Government however, cannot just allow a street to be less illuminated for it will be a treat on its residents’ safety. I think, this issue is already resolved in Calcinate, Bergamo through their wonderful project called the T-system. This one of a …