Make Use Of The Light The Sun Produces Using Your Cables And Mirrors

Reflecting sunlight using mirrors is not new anymore. However, it has not put into practice until the interest for sustainability grows. Today, daylight is becoming an important lighting source as it consume zero energy, produces zero emission, thus provides no harm to the environment. Manufactured by Parants, a daylighting company this hybrid lighting system will …

Great Way To Save Energy and Improve Air Quality

Hi guys, this is a guest post, hopefully you enjoy this article from Lorie Wampler. Lorie Wampler is the founder of SplitAirConditioning blog. It’s a nonprofit web site centered on her personal experience with hvac to cut down energy use and improve indoor air quality. With this she would like to increase the consciousness on …

uHeat: A Hand-powered Food Warmer

Keeping our food warm is important to retain its tenderness and taste. However, doing this will surely blow up our electric bill but not anymore today because designer Jess Chee has already designed the uHeat, a hand-powered food warmer. As the name suggest, the heat warmer will function with the help of your hands. Thus, …

Straddling Bus: The Eco-friendly Public Transport Of The Future

Traffic jam is a common problem to big cities around the globe. To minimized traffic, various alternatives are being considered and the Straddling Bus cab probably is one of the best. The Straddling Bus is a public transport powered by electricity and sun. This wonderful bus transport is a two story bus and carries its …

One Central Park: A Garden Park Architecture Design

We all want to help save the environment, which is why various designs are coming out today. The One Central Park is one of it. Presented in 2008 and designed by Jean Nouvel, the One Central had gained approval just recently. This two-tower structure has a dozen of vertical gardens across the façade of the …

Bambu: An Eco-gardening Project For The Elderly

Who said that it is too late for the elders to do good for the environment? Never been too late with the Bambu, and eco-gardening project concept for the elders. This project gives the elders the ability to get active by growing plants in an urban living set-up or simply called as the urban gardening. …

Colibri Eco Mobile Phone: Communicates Without Harming The Environment

Using today’s modern gadgets don’t need to be harmful to the environment. If you are just keen enough in finding for an eco-friendly yet modern gadgets, then you will most likely be able to help save the earth even if you are together with the rest of the crowd in using today’s modern gadgets like …

Solar Technology: Completes An Eco-friendly House Design

Save on electricity, fight global warming, and make the world a better place to live. These are just a few of the aims that people want to achieve in creating and designing eco-friendly homes. We can find homes claims to be eco-friendly and features different green features. Some have rainwater collecting system to save on …

The Proposed Floating Community For The Vietnamese Bay

While the earth is mostly composed of water, it is nice to see that housing designs that make use of our water environment are now growing in numbers. Recently, a contest called The Self-sufficient City: Envisioning the habitat of the future has an entry that aims to provide sustainable lodging to the 1600 inhabitants of …

VELUX: Will Illuminate Your Place Naturally In Style

Do you think it is possible to illuminate your room elegantly in a natural way? With the constant call for battling global warming and with the artistic mind every designer has today, the answer for that question is now a Yes. One great example is the VELUX, an elegant lighting designed that will illuminate your …