Introducing ‘Study of Life’ pendant lamp by Victor Vetterlein

It has always been a pleasure for us from IGreenSpot to be chosen to be one of the sites to publish designer’s works. This time it is Victor Vetterlein, who submitted his sustainable lamp design called Study of Life. From: Victor Vetterlein Study of Life pendant lamp is a sustainable design. The strong and flexible …

CD2 Grasshopper: Your Green Off And On Road Driving Tool

Off-road driving is now becoming a popular hobby to many of the hobbyist worldwide. This only means that more and more carbon footprints are being contributed to our environment, which obviously will harm mother earth and us in the near future. However, the CD2 Grasshopper will soon eliminate this negative effect off-road car can create. …

U-Crossover Design of Jamy Yang & Audi Wins Good Design Award

It is so nice to know that designers nowadays designs items with care for the environment in mind. The U-Crossover Design of Jamy Yang & Audi that works double purposed, thus less carbon emission in manufacturing an item for each purpose, is just a few of the examples. From Jamy Yang: As a leading brand …

Make Use Of The Light The Sun Produces Using Your Cables And Mirrors

Reflecting sunlight using mirrors is not new anymore. However, it has not put into practice until the interest for sustainability grows. Today, daylight is becoming an important lighting source as it consume zero energy, produces zero emission, thus provides no harm to the environment. Manufactured by Parants, a daylighting company this hybrid lighting system will …

Great Way To Save Energy and Improve Air Quality

Hi guys, this is a guest post, hopefully you enjoy this article from Lorie Wampler. Lorie Wampler is the founder of SplitAirConditioning blog. It’s a nonprofit web site centered on her personal experience with hvac to cut down energy use and improve indoor air quality. With this she would like to increase the consciousness on …

Plug Out: A Building Proposal That Utilizes Unused Space

Empty spaces are common in many cities around the world particularly in lower Manhattan while many of our brothers and sisters made themselves contented with the very limited space they have. Good thing, there is a proposal from Workac that will utilize this underused space in lower Manhattan. Hailed as Plug Out, this one of …

The Omega Center: Provides Sustainable Living

Sustainable is now very easy to the point that you can barely notice you are. This is probably because of the various sustainable designs that we can use on our daily lives. The Omega Center by BNIM is another addition to the designs that will help us experience sustainable living. The Omega is an education …

The Proposed Floating Community For The Vietnamese Bay

While the earth is mostly composed of water, it is nice to see that housing designs that make use of our water environment are now growing in numbers. Recently, a contest called The Self-sufficient City: Envisioning the habitat of the future has an entry that aims to provide sustainable lodging to the 1600 inhabitants of …

GE Wattstation Charge Point: Charges Your Electric Cars

Electric cars are growing in numbers to help reduce carbon emission and eventually combat global warming. With the continuous growth of these types of vehicles, GE in collaboration with Yves Behar recently unveils the GE Wattstation Charge Point, a charging station for Electric Cars. The station itself is an eco-friendly one as it uses LED …

Light Reading: Save Your Old Books And The Environment

We love to read that is why we love to collect books. Now that the Apple iPad and the Amazon Kindle is around, where we can read everything that we want from news to magazine articles to different Ebooks, do we still have to love our books? Maybe not anymore and as result, we tend …