Create A Fresh Feeling Of Being Outdoor With The FRESH LED Desk Lamp

Walking outdoors early in the morning enjoying those moist grass touching our feet as we walk is an excellent fresh feeling that we surely love but why wait for the morning to come when we can enjoy this fresh feeling indoors anytime of the day with the FRESH LED Desk Lamp by Victor Vetterlein. With …

Katadyn Vario Multi Flow Water Microfilter : Innovative Water Filtration Filter for Outdoor Adventurers

Stay hydrated while having fun with your outdoor adventure or activity with the help from Katadyn Vario multi flow water microfilter. There are many interesting outdoor activities that you can have with your friends or family such as camping, hiking, mountain biking or boating. However, you need to understand the importance of maintaining your optimum …

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Hybrid Car or Hybrid SUV Instead of Conventional Car

We believe that you’ve heard the term of “hybrid car” or “hybrid SUV” quiet often, but do you know what it means? As part of our effort to save the earth, we can’t stress enough how important for you to go for hybrid vehicle instead of conventional vehicle. The definition of a hybrid vehicle is …

Cleaner Waves Surfboard For Fun And Sustainable Surfing Experience

Water sports like surfing will not only provide fun experience but also, it will make us closer to nature especially if we surf sustainably using the Cleaner Waves Surfboard of Michael Grobelny. Being made of wood, these surfboards will surely require no especial hazardous materials or methods during the manufacturing process.

Lighten Your Home With The Bike Rack Birdhouse

A cute and stylish shelving system will always make our home clutter-free and lightens a bit especially if it comes in unique style like the Bike Rack Birdhouse.

Make Your Home And Energy Saver With The Solar Sandwich

Solar energy collection has been evolving these days as Englerts, a New Jersey based company installed the Solar Sandwich in one of their projects.

Feel Close To Nature And Let The Herbsts House In The Woods Of New Zealand Be Your Inspiration

Being close to nature does not end up in recycling things, using sustainable materials and the like but also it can literally means being close to nature like living in the woods like where the Herbsts House is located.

Enjoy Fresh Air Indoor And Install The Parasite Farm Inside Your Home

If you think that collecting your biodegradable wastes, put it all together, and wait for organic farmers to collect it, it is now time for you to know the Parasite Farm. This planter will let you have your own little farm inside your home consuming your own biodegradable wastes. Thus, you don’t need to wait …

Enjoy The Hot Bright Sun With Your SUS Portable Solar Lamp

Enjoy sunrays does not only mean getting a fashionable tanned skin but also a sustainable illumination using solar powered lighting systems like the SUS Portable Solar Lamp. We have heard so much about solar panels and how it can help us collect sunlight and transforms it into solar energy to power many of our items …

Cut Carbon Emission When Traveling And Use The Vienna Bike

Reducing carbon emission has been becoming a long time project to save the environment and the use of bicycles like the Vienna Bike is just one of the solutions that are now widely practiced among many. The Vienna Bike is unlike the traditional bike that leaves users destined to pedal every time they travel.