Metrobench: Stylish And Eco-friendly

Metro cards are occasionally replaced. It can be due to torn cards or new graphics design. By doing this, definitely those old cards will be discarded and thrown in our garbage and eventually to our landfills. Out of this suppose to be a scrap item, Steve Shaheen was able to created an innovative approach that …

Pencil Shavings Necklace: Fashionably Trendy While Being Eco-friendly

When shaving our pencils, we normally do it right on top of our garbage bin or we use sharpeners with shaving container and discard the shavings to our bins every once in a while. If all of us in this world are doing this, our landfills will surely be filled with trash like pencil shavings. …

The Eco-friendly Vessel: A Presentable Vessel That Make Use Of Natural Resources

Making use of our natural resources is the renowned best way to help save the environment. It reduces carbon emission if we opt to use solar energy, wind energy and the like. It also reduces the growth of landfills if chose to recycle things. The Eco-friendly vessel is a sustainably designed vessel that makes use …

Vinyl Tickets: Going To A Disco Has Never Been This Eco-friendly

Vinyl records have been out in the market for quite some time now. With the vast growth of modern technology, the excellence of vinyl records had already been forgotten. However, to give us a pleasant surprise, Durty DJs will be giving us a pleasant surprise, proving that Vinyl is not dead. Durty DJs has created …

Recycled Raindrops: Your Playful And Eco-friendly Décor At Home

Discarding our old newspaper, books, notebooks, and the like can be harmless to the environment, since paper is highly biodegradable. However, a huge number of papers will surely pile up and increase the growth of our landfill. That is why, it is still best to recycle them for other use. The recycled raindrops will give …

The LeafBed: Your Eco-friendly Bed During Catastrophes

Catastrophes are inevitable and depending on its level of strength, it causes some families to lose their homes. Building new homes can be costly and will require some time to finish. To provide the catastrophe victims a comfortable place to sleep, the LeafBed is made. Designed by NOCC for LEAF Supply, the LeafBed is made …

SmartforSpeed: A Zero Emission Magnificent Car

Zero emission cars are growing in numbers and the SmartforSpeed is the newest addition to the list. Presented at the Geneva Motor Show, the SmartforSpeed has the electric drive, which made it an eco-friendly car. The car’s improved performance is made possible with the installed 30KW magneto-electric motor. The exterior look of the car features …

Eco Urinal Booth: Provides And Eco-friendly And Comfortable Urinal For Boys

It really felt comforting especially for the boys to see enough number of urinals for them to comfortably urinate every time and everywhere they felt like doing. Every country in this world have their own urinals installed in public places, the only problem these urinals are creating is the unwanted odor it creates. The Eco-urinal …

Wordy Double Seater: Stylish And Eco-friendly

Eco-friendly furniture and stylish design come along with Wordy Double Seater love seat. This one uniquely designed seater has the slik-screened designs printed on the soft cotton denim of your choice. Designs printed are quotes from famous leaders and innovators of the world, which creates an idea of fun reading while enjoying the soft cushion …

Alvisilkchair: An Elegant Yet Eco-friendly Chair

Many of us are arguing about how or when a certain item or design be considered as eco-friendly. Some consider an item eco-friendly if it strongly comply with the environmental requirement like zero carbon emission upon manufacturing, uses eco-friendly materials, packed in an eco-friendly way and more. To my opinion, it does not really matter …