Enjoy A Tiki Inspired Landscape Design With Your New Tiki Bamboo Bench Tropical Coffee Table Patio Bar Bench

If you like to have a Tiki inspired landscape design you complete it with the new Tiki Bamboo Bench Tropical Coffee Table Patio Bar Bench. Made of bamboo, the coffee table and patio bar bench in one will not only complete your dream Tiki inspired landscape but also will allow you to help save the …

The Earthen School By Ziegert Roswag Seiler Architekten Is An Eco-friendly School In Pakistan

Making learning fun and comfortable is what the Earthen School by Ziegert Roswag Seiler Architekten can provide to its students in Jar Maulwi, Pakistan. Education is important and we all know that a conducive and comfortable classroom improve the students ability to learn. Unlike the traditional structures in Pakistan that are unstable and has low natural …

The Toyota Eco-Mobility Exhibition Building Promotes Modern Lifestyle Without Harming The Environment

If like many other, you are also questioning as to how you will move in the future without harming the environment, then the Toyota Eco-Mobility Exhibition Building will give you the idea how. Built in Barcelona in 2004, this one sustainable building is built under a photovoltaic panel. Therefore, from that alone, the building is …

The Barnyard Method: An Eco-friendly Method Of Storing Your Books

Keeping eco-friendly is now a trend. Thus, if you want to in trend, living the eco-friendly way of life will be your best bet. For your shelving unit at home, you can use those that are made of cardboard or KRAFT. Finding them will be very easy with the wide availability of these type of …

Simon Hedt Eco-Pod: A Sustainable Washing Machine

When we do the laundry, we automatically discard used water. Although there are also some people that manage to reused it to water their plants or garden or clean their kitchen or rest room, majority of us normally throw those waste water we have for doing the laundry. It seems like this will never be …

The Great Barrier House: Lets You Understand What An Eco-friendly House Is

Before, my thoughts about eco-friendly architectures limit to the materials used, building process and the like. This time, as I read the information about the Great Barrier House, eco-friendly architecture will not only be considered as eco-friendly with the materials used and the process practiced in building the structure. The Great Barrier is a modern …

Life After Corkage Barstool: An Eco-friendly Elegant Furniture

We all know that corks used to seal our favorite wine and the like. However, after the wines were consumed corks are already destined to landfills, which is obviously not favorable to the environment. However, this will never be an issue anymore with the numerous designers who are into designing green or eco-friendly products like …

LOW: Provides An Eco-friendly Bar Atmosphere

We have seen many used cardboards destined to our landfills. Even though, we all know that it decomposes fast enough, it would still be nice to hear various creations out of recycled cardboard. Low is another great creation by Pedro Campos Costa, where he was able to create an eco-friendly bar out of recycled cardboards …

Buc: From A Former Fort To An Eco Hotel

Old building structures don’t need to be wrecked for rehabilitation purposes. The Buc b ECDM is just a mere example of building rehabilitation while conserving the original structure. The BUC is a former fort that has been developed into an eco-hotel. In this way, no wrecking of the old structure has been made. In fact, …

Philippon-Kalt: Designed The First Social Housing With Solar Panels In Paris

Eco-friendly architecture is now becoming a priority to almost many of the architects and designers worldwide. One of the architects that join with the whole world in designing structures with saving the earth in mind is the Philippon-Kalt Architects, whom had designed the first building for social housing in Paris that has solar panels.