Solar Powered LED Lamps By Sharp

Large companies like Sharp Corporation are now embracing Eco-friendly developments already. Lately the said electronic company has developed a new line of LED lighting products for outdoor use, which includes the four solar powered LED lights. This wonderful development from sharp will surely make our busy street safer than before with the brighter illumination provided …

Cantilever Chair by Konstantin Grcic

Creating beautiful designs and saving the environment at the same time is interesting. Designer Konstantin has made this good deed possible via his beautiful Cantilever Chair. The Cantilever is a creatively designed chair comprised of 43 laminated bamboo slats. With this wonderful creation, people can now comfortably seat and save the environment as well. Aside …

T-issue by Young In Koh

Tissue papers are already part of our lives. We keep them handy wherever we may go. The T-issu by Young In Koh is a cardboard tissue paper packaging that has a the cut-out that serves as the tissue meter. The users will able to see how much tissue does he or she consumed and how …

China Insurance Group Headquarters by Markus Pilhofer

Another high-rise sustainable building has been built in Shenzhen China. Markus Pilhofer is the one who won first prize for the competition to design the building. The building has great design and enough rooms for the employees. In addition, it also has front wall driven to generate energy, for it has been shaped according to …

Osmos – Promotes Eco-Friendly Dining in Your Home

I never that the heat and steam that we let flew away are recyclable. Yes you read it right! The Osmos designed by Jonathan Banton from UK has the ability to absorb and retain the heat and steam that are wasted during cooking and recycled it into greenery of your choice. You can have your …

Nature Individuelle : Integrate Your Interior Design with Nature by Patrick Nadeau

Emphazing the importance of nature, French designer Patrick Nadeau created the nature individuelle. A series of objects made from birch plywood and terracotta that has the ability to house various plants that give every household the chance to integrate their interior design with nature. The items started out with small pots that can house some …

Banana Leaf is A good Source for Food Packaging

Bananas are present almost everywhere in the world. Their fruits are known to be delicious and healthy. However, only a few knows that the banana leaf can be a good source for packaging purposes. Israeli designer Tal Marco designs this low-tech and eco-friendly concept. Aside from being eco-friendly, the banana leaf is also highly flexible …

Gluttony : A Wonderful Suspension Lamp Made of Plastic Cutlery

Cutleries are designed for our dining purposes. However, designer Luis Luna has a different view of these type of things and created a wonderful and innovative suspension lamp made of plastics wares like plastic spoon, forks and bread knife. This design of Luis Luna is one of the finalists in the house party competition by …

The 54 Storey Condominium by Daniel Libeskind

With the tall buildings we have right now, many of us have less experience to witness the wonderful sunrise anymore or some of us doesn’t see the natural light already. Good thing builders like Daniel Libeskind are now aware of the situation and is starting to design building with green features in it. Just like …

Glory Light with Tear-Dropped Shape by Masahiro Minami

Glory is a kind of light that can be used by hanging or placed in a flat surface depending on how you love it. It has tear like shape that makes this lamp more attractive and trendy. Its silhouette’s beauty stand out in the dark because it has the ability to differentiate the light and …