The Recycled Rice Hemp Hobo Bag Will Keep You Fashionable While Keeping The Environment Safe

Keeping the environment safe and clean sometimes requires a lot of effort from reforestation to rehabilitation and the like but not in the case of using the Recycled Rice Hemp Hobo Bag. As its name suggests, this handbag is made from recycled rice bag. Most probably, this will be very possible in countries where rice …

How To Recycle Waste? Ask Maurice Klapfish from Lamp Revival!

Discarded lamps and electrical parts are easy to find in the metal pile at Maurice Klapfish local transfer station, junk shops and yard sales. The hard part is turning them into decorative art or useful products. Maurice decided to convert waste into art or useful products through his website LAMP REVIVAL that strives to recycle …

Stop Adding Waste And Start Using Flip And Tumble Reusable Bags

With the availability of reusable bags like the Flip and Tumble Reusable Bags, reducing waste is now a no excuse for everybody. We do our grocery shopping daily, weekly or monthly and normally, our grocery bags are just tossed to trash cans and even add up to our landfills. With the reusable bags, we can …

Enjoy Fresh Vegetable Even When Living In Rural Areas With The Veggie Patch Edible Landscape

It would be amazing when design landscape that not only beautiful but also edible, which is true in the case of the Veggie Patch Edible Landscape. This edible landscape will provide enough vegetables for people living in rural areas who think that they do not have any chance at all to enjoy fresh produce.

Pencil Shavings Necklace: Fashionably Trendy While Being Eco-friendly

When shaving our pencils, we normally do it right on top of our garbage bin or we use sharpeners with shaving container and discard the shavings to our bins every once in a while. If all of us in this world are doing this, our landfills will surely be filled with trash like pencil shavings. …

Minimize Landfill With ASUS’s Mobo Packaging Turned PC Case

When buying a new computer set, different empty packaging from CPU to motherboard to processor and the like will be in your trash bin right after. This will not be the scenario anymore because ASUS has created an eco-friendly packaging. The brand has its MOBO or motherboard packaging works double as the computer’s CPU case. …

Never Wasted: Lee’s Way Of Saving The Environment

We already have heard about a clothing packaging design that can be recycled and used as a hanger. This time around, it is Lee’s turn of showing how they care for the environment. Through the Never Wasted packaging design of LEE, a known clothing brand, consumers do not have the chance of putting the packaging …

Sonia Verguet’s Unique Furniture Pieces From Recycled Parts

Recycling can be tiring and time consuming. However, if you are just patient enough to put together those broken parts of different furniture pieces, then, like Sonia Verguet, you definitely can end up creating a unique furniture pieces from your recycled broken furniture parts. With Sonia Verguet, she has created various designs like stool, ottoman, …

Replenish: A Spray Bottle Designed To Help Save The Environment

Caring for the environment is everybody’s business nowadays. Majority of us are thinking of ways on how to save the environment from being destroyed. The Replenish is just another product resulting from an eco-friendly design mind. I know many of you have piles of plastic bottles at home or are being disposed off to your …

Billboard And Traffic Signs: Recycled For A Green Furniture

We have seen lots of billboard and traffic signs discarded and destined to landfills after its useful life, which is obviously harmful to the environment. However, this will never be the situation anymore with Boris Bally’s series of furniture that are made of recycled billboard and traffic signs. From these supposed to be trash materials, …