Bome Desginer Baby High Chair: Will Save You Money On Purchasing New Ones

Purchasing new furniture sets every time they got torn our or outgrown is expensive. You can no start to stop worrying with your kids’ furniture set because, the Bome Designer Baby High Chair will let you use them longer. Made of wood, the designer baby chair has the soft cushion installed for your baby’s comfort. …

Dusseldorf, Germany Condo: A Living Example Of Building Restoration

Green architecture is great, as it helps save the environment with the architects using eco-friendly building materials. However, isn’t it great to hear that people have started to show care to the environment through building restoration or reuse. A Condo in Dusseldorf, Germany by AABE Erpicum and Partners is just one of the living examples …

Rubbish Sink: A Green Sink Made Of Recycled Tires

Who told you that tires could only be for your cars? You should now think twice. With the constant call of combating global warming, used car tires are now being recycled to help minimized the growth of landfills. Many of them particularly the tubes are used as stylish chairs and sofa while others used it …

Sustainable 2-in-1 Sun Glasses by y-town

Eco-fashion has now starting the get the attention of many of the environment conscious fashionitas. Y-town is not one of those who have started to make eco-fashion a reality with their trendy dual color sunglasses. They have submitted their eco-product to IgreenSpot and surely this will get the attention of our readers. From Y-town: As …

Eco-friendly Promotional Radio: Created For George FM

We have seen numerous groups promoting green living. The transport groups are doing their part by having electric cars or those zero-emission cars. Different group of designers for furniture, fashion, and more are now also into creating eco-friendly products. Today, another group of environment concern individuals are making their initiative in helping save the earth. …

Start It Up By Che Pablo Popeye Eyzenbach

Starting up is costly. You need to buy everything you need for your home. For starting couples and students alike, the Start It Up by Che Pablo Popeye Eyzenbach will answer your need for furniture. This start up furniture kit consists of two chairs, a table, and a wardrobe. The best part of this furniture …

Eco-Yacht From CodeX

When it comes to eco-friendly and luxury travel or cruise, CodeX can give it to you. Their solar powered yacht is the perfect tool to enjoy your summer holiday. Jump into this yacht and experience luxury cruising as they celebrate as the world’s first high-end product with a synthesis of solar technology and formula 1 …

Marbelous Table by Tineke Beunder

It’s a table, at first look, but Tineke Beunder didn’t want to create an ordinary table. Take a second look, you’ll see that this table made of maple tree is carved with marble track. The idea is trying to combine the world of adults with the world of the children in a furniture. I always …