VELUX: Will Illuminate Your Place Naturally In Style

Do you think it is possible to illuminate your room elegantly in a natural way? With the constant call for battling global warming and with the artistic mind every designer has today, the answer for that question is now a Yes. One great example is the VELUX, an elegant lighting designed that will illuminate your …

Recycled Christmas Ornaments By Amalia Versaci

Christmas season is fast approaching and decorating our homes is probably what pre occupies our minds today. With the aim to help save the environment, designer Amalia Versaci comes with a stylish and cute Christmas Ornaments that are made recycled materials. One of her great creation is the vintage zipper ornaments. Used zipper heads are …

Pencil Crayon Jewelry By Maria Cristina Bellucci

Colored Pencil or Pencil Crayon or whatever you may call it is a great tool for our art project. However, jewelry designer Cristina Bellucci creates a new use of the Pencil Crayon as she designed artistic jewelries. Since only fragments of pencils are used for the design, presumably, Bellucci is recycling used pencil crayons. The …

Recycled Spray Can Light

Spray cans are tends to be discarded after its contents are consumed. However, to keep it from giving the chance to grow our landfills, the recycled spray can light are created. Designed by the artistic and talented children from Zek, the recycled spray can light can our perfect pendant light at home. It can be …

Nikki Sofa By Rabih Hage

Normally when see wonderful and beautifully upholstered sofa it is made of first hand materials. With the Nikki Sofa by Rabih Hage, it is the opposite. The Nikki Sofa is a great and stylish sofa that is totally made of recycled materials. To create something new, the designer uses some pre-existing pieces, reused it and …

Recycled Shipping Container Art Center By Graft Lab Arhitects

Shipping container are great tool for architecture, and Graft Lab Architects are now into recycling shipping container that resulted into a wonderful Architecture with the Platoon Kunsthalle as their end product. The nice architecture that is made from standard shipping containers is the new exhibit hall and art center in Seoul, Korea. As part of …

Solar Storage Barn By Gray Organschi Architecture

Raw materials are known to be unpleasant to the eye, and untidy when used in a product. However, Gray Oranschi Architecture proves it wrong as they successfully designed a beautiful solar storage barn made from raw materials. The architects organized the lumber on the exterior part of the building in rectangular cubbyholes that creates an …

The Eco-Headquarters By Caryn Grossman

Remodeling, recycling, and rehabilitating are just a few of the eco-acts people are trying to do to help save the environment. Designer Caryn Grossman has just successfully transformed a historic warehouse into a modern corporate headquarters of a prestigious ad agency. The result is impressive that one will never see any mark of an old …

Reuse Project by Junktion

Junktion treated what people from Tel Aviv have already considered as junk in a different way. These junk materials are turned into useful items like a piece of artistic bench, table lamp made from junk plastic telephone unit, a rocking chair from wood cable drum, and a bench made from wooden shade. All are well …

Trilogy Solar Garden Art: Gives Light To Your Night

Artworks are meant to attract every art lover’s eyes, but the trilogy solar powered garden art makes a difference. It will not only provide you with artistic and eye catching art design, but will help save the environment as well. The trilogy is an amazing multi-colored glass hand-blown together and creates a beautiful rainbow-like effect …