Latro Algae Lamp: An Algae Powered Lamp

When it comes to sustainable design, resources are endless. For the various eco-friendly lighting designs that we have in the market today, all of them have different sustainable sources just to power the light. Some uses solar energy, some wind, while others use kinetic energy. The Latro Algae lamp is a unique eco-friendly lamp that …

Trash Me: A Lamp From The Trash To The Trash

Creating a useful item from trash can be a real-challenge to each of us. However, designer Victor Vetterlein is proud enough to submit his work to IGreenSpot and he introduces the Trash Me Lamp, a product that is made of trash and can be easily send back to trash after its useful life.

Eco Drop: An Eco-friendly Gardening Tool

When gardening, fertilizers are one of the basic items that we must have in order to grow our plants healthy. Insecticides are another must have, and this one is to keep our plants from insects and bugs. These two components are known to have chemical ingredients that are harmful to the environment. The eco-drop is …

HECMEC: An Eco-friendly Furniture For Your Eco-tots

With the numerous green products coming out in the market today, living green can be easily started at an early age. The HECMEC is just one of the great eco-products that parents can introduce to their tots to live green whilst keeping style and fashion at large. Each piece of the HECMEC furniture is made …

Sustainable 2-in-1 Sun Glasses by y-town

Eco-fashion has now starting the get the attention of many of the environment conscious fashionitas. Y-town is not one of those who have started to make eco-fashion a reality with their trendy dual color sunglasses. They have submitted their eco-product to IgreenSpot and surely this will get the attention of our readers. From Y-town: As …

Firefly: An Eco-friendly Table With Lamp

Candlelight dinner date is one of the most favorite treats by many of the couples worldwide. Inspired by the insect firefly, the Firefly table is a unique table designed for business and home use. The table has the solar powered lamp installed at the center of the table. At daytime, the table’s solar cells placed …

Ecobag: Allows You To Save The Environment Without Compromising Style

When sending gifts to our love ones, bags and wrappers are generally discarded and will obviously add up to the mountains of landfills we already had. To help minimize the growth of landfills, many of us do the recycling. The Ecobag by Paulo Amendoeria is just one of the products that will help people save …

Grow Ivies In Your Home And Let’em Carpet The Floors And Climb Up The Walls

A razilian designer Duda Carvalho submitted an eye-catching and eco-friendly creation to IgreenSpot. Hailed as IVY, this seating solution is made of sustainable and recyclable materials Paineira, a silk-cotton tree that is abundant in Brazil.

EC509 Green Core: The Eco-friendly Mobile Phone From Nokia

With the aim to help save the environment, one of the giant mobile phone manufacturers Nokia has designed and eco-friendly mobile phone that invites users to keep their PRT packaging carton the moment he or she receives his or her EC509 Green Core mobile phone. The reason why users will get invited of keeping their …

Eco Plastic Goes Fun

Living green is now becoming more fun as days pass by. Majority of the designers are creating sustainable products that are fun and stylish that many of us would never thins the said sustainable products are made from second hand materials or recycled items. The Jiu Jie from Y-town is submitted to iGreenSpot and is …