Attractive Recyclable Svegro Packaging Design by Amore

Packaging takes a big role for the products to be sold. Being eco-friendly can be hard at times, however, with the help of attractive designs we became one without noticing it. Just like what designer Amore did with the new Svegro packaging design with the purpose of inspiring food lovers to appreciate locally grown salad …

The Wooden Casa 205 by H Arquitectes

Built on a natural rock platform, the Casa 205 is built in place surrounded by forest that gives the residents a big chance to be with nature anytime. What makes this structure a more eco-friendly one is that, the structural system of the Casa implies a very important diminishment of the weight, raw materials, energy …

Art Museum Waterflux by R&Sie(n)

A unique art museum is now being built by architects R&Sie(n). The structure is fully made of wood that will develop a look that resembles of a freezing ice cavity that melted. This unique look of the building will surely attract every artist’s eyes. In addition, it also will make the winter climate worse through …

Eco-Friendly Spinning Composter

Disposing off your garbage will now never be a problem because of the spinning composter. All you have to do is to turn it on and viola, your garbage are now turned into a gardening fertilizers. You not only save the earth from landfill, but also you are able to help produce fresh air by …

Nature Individuelle : Integrate Your Interior Design with Nature by Patrick Nadeau

Emphazing the importance of nature, French designer Patrick Nadeau created the nature individuelle. A series of objects made from birch plywood and terracotta that has the ability to house various plants that give every household the chance to integrate their interior design with nature. The items started out with small pots that can house some …

Eco-Laboratory by Weber Thompson

Some of the architects worldwide are now in focusing Eco-friendly architecture. Just like the Weber Thompson who designed the Eco-Laboratory for the Cascadia Natural Talent Design Competition. What made the building eco-friendly is that, it includes a rainwater collections system, hydeophonic garden to grow food for the community, biological wastewater treatment system to convert black …

Sustainable Products from Domestic Aesthetic

Sustainable products and living sustainably is now not impossible to happen already with the help of various companies creating products out of sustainable materials like what domestic aesthetic did. What made their products sustainable? It simply because, their products are made of recycled or recyclable materials or the product itself is readily recyclable or biodegradable. …

Mercedes Blue-Zero E-Cell Concept Car

Mercedes Benz on the Detroit Auto Show will present another eco-friendly car called the Blue-Zero E-Cell. Lithium ion batteries will exclusively power the car and the engine powers the battery during the drive but can also move the wheels directly when needed. However, without the fuel’s assistance, the E-Cell’s li-ion packs able to run the …

Air Purifier to Keep You Healthy

Air purifier and humidifier is what we need today considering the current situation of the environment. For us to continuously smell some fresh air and feel healthy all the time, Airnew Electronic Technology has created an air purifier and humidifier that are very affordable and portable. In addition, the company’s air purifier and humidifier is …

Banana Leaf is A good Source for Food Packaging

Bananas are present almost everywhere in the world. Their fruits are known to be delicious and healthy. However, only a few knows that the banana leaf can be a good source for packaging purposes. Israeli designer Tal Marco designs this low-tech and eco-friendly concept. Aside from being eco-friendly, the banana leaf is also highly flexible …