Oil Rig Platform Resort and Spa by Morris Architects

Recycling is such a great way of preventing those abandoned items adds up to our trashes. This time around, more and more people are becoming concern and are actively participating in keeping the environment safe. The Morris Architects are showing their part by designing the wonderful Oil Rig Platform Resort and Spa. The resort and …

China Insurance Group Headquarters by Markus Pilhofer

Another high-rise sustainable building has been built in Shenzhen China. Markus Pilhofer is the one who won first prize for the competition to design the building. The building has great design and enough rooms for the employees. In addition, it also has front wall driven to generate energy, for it has been shaped according to …

SPACE: An Attractive Container Architectural Design

Container vans are normally abandoned by the time that they will be useful already by shipping lines. However, green designers give the used container a different role aside from it used for cargo. SPACE is just another wonderful design using a container. In addition, it is also solar powered that made it a sustainable and …

Solaris Solar Table by Iulius Lucaci

Green Innovations are growing fast these days. Various innovations, designs and inventions are created almost everyday. Joining with the green innovator, inventors and designers is Iulius Lucaci of the United States that created the Solaris Solar Table. With the use of the solaris, the collected energy is stored in the table is now used to …

Solar Cooler System by Jeng-Neng Fan

Staying healthy is important to all of us. However, not all of us have the same chance of staying healthy. Remote areas do not have enough facility in keeping themselves healthy. One of their problems is the drug storage for their medicines. The Solar Cooler System can be the answer to this kind of problem: …

Artistic Tables from Reclaimed Car Parts

Used automobiles normally are discarded by the time that used do not want it in their sight anymore. However, Nine Stories Furniture gives the used car parts a different meaning by recycling it and turns it into a geometric and modern table design. This beautiful table from Nine Stories furniture are made from seventy percent …

Recycle Your Wine Bottles into Elegant Glass Vases

Wine is good for the heart and recycling wine bottles is definitely good for the nature. After enjoying our favorite taste of wine, we normally discard our bottles and generally add it up to mountains of landfills we have currently. With the beautiful glass vases called the Revive, wine bottles are turned into an attractive …

The Eco-House by University of Cambridge Architects

More and more people are now concern in saving Mother Nature. Various design concepts are now being developed to enhance zero carbon emission in every place. Green structure are getting common each day and Universities are starting to let their students become aware of the current environmental situation and the methods of preventing it in …

Solar Batery by Knut Karlsen

When recharging our batteries we normally use another device to complete it. However, Knut Karlsen had an idea of recharging it without using another device and the electricity in the form of his creation called the solar cell. The solar cell is a battery that can be re-charged using the solar power. The batteries have …

Spiraling Skyscraper by Eric Vergne

Sustainable structures are now seems to be the focus of every designers in the world. Self-sustainable buildings are built everywhere every now and then. This time around, it was Eric Vergne’s spiraling skyscraper called the Dystopian Farm has won the Evolo Skyscraper competition. The building has the ability to bind the building with an innovative …