A Stylish Bamboo Water Jar is Now Available for You

The king of storage for our water seems always to be an issue when it comes to safety, sanitary and environmental issues. The stylish and safe bamboo water jar is now here for your water storage. Made of natural bamboo stem that is divided by natural partition walls it has at regular intervals to distribute …

Laundry Pod by RKS Team

Washing delicates and small loads at a large machine or wasting some time, gas, and effort is definitely not a good idea. That is why more and more women are now purchasing a salad spinner just for this purpose. In order to make washing delicates and small loads an eco-friendly acts, RKS Team have created …

The Low-Energy PUC Rio Mediatheque in Rio de Janiero, Brazil

Built with high standard, the PUC Rio Mediatheque is one of the nominated projects for the 2009 International Holcim Award. The building has a façade system and nightly natural ventilation. In addition, it is also using a low-energy air conditioning system, which made the building and energy efficient one. Aside from all the features mentioned, …

GreenLight: For a Healthier and Fresher Environment

Nowadays, air is already polluted even inside our own house. Created for those who wanted to improve indoor air-quality, the GreenLight is a prescription product created for xdesign Environmental Health Clinic. By blending to photosynthetic processes, the GreenLight was able diffuse light. One can also do the planting strategies to address a particular indoor air …

Enjoy the Snow with the Eco-Friendly Rennpappe

Having a temperature of 20 degrees below freezing will make your moment dull especially if you are just sitting doing nothing. Because of the cold temperature, employees of the village chairlift that has metal chairs like of a garden chair hanging from a cable offered the skiers a square of cardboard to sit on as …

Live In a Green House through the Zenkaya Ecohome

Design and comfort is the first thing that comes in our minds when it comes to choosing a home and the environment is the least one to be considered. However, this will never be a mistake again when you choose to have the Zenkaya Ecohome. These ready-made houses have highly insulated wall panels and excellent …

Have an Eco Labeled Table with the Amazonas Table

Inspired by the Amazon rainforest with three crown creating a dense ceiling, designer Eero Koivisto had created the Amazonas table. This environment friendly table is made of 100 percent recyclable materials, paints used for the table is environment friendly and the steel used in the table is about 20 percent recyclable. With the eco-friendly materials …

Redondo Beach Container House For a Comfortable and Stylish Home

Containers are generally used in transporting products from one place to another, and when the containers are not desirable for used already, it is normally discarded already. Recycling it and creating wonderful and stylish homes is a good strategy to reduce wastes and landfills created by discarded used containers. The Redondo Beach Container House is …

Save Money and Save the Earth Tuck Away Reusable Bag

Saving the environment is not only by using natural materials but also by recycling the item itself. The Tuck Away Recyclable bag from Revenge Is can be a perfect example of an environment friendly product in the form of recycling. Aside from it being a recyclable product, it is also made of fabric that uses …

Solar Water Heating and Rainwater Tower

Answering Brazil’s housing deficit is the creation of the Solar Water Heating and Rainwater Tower. The sustainable water uses rainwater to supply drinking water and heated water that are clean and requires low maintenance. With the sustainable tower, low-income families can now have the chance to avail clean and safe water and cheaper access to …