Lanana By Ryszard Rychlicki

When shopping, we always tend to use plastics bags as containers of the items we bought. However, with the aim to protect the environment, various eco-friendly products are coming out in the market as substitute for those earth threatening plastic bags. Joining with the other designers in keeping the environment safe from harm is the …

Helix Wind Turbine To Power Cell Phone Towers

Cellular phone users from Africa and the USA will surely love to hear the news that Helix Wind is already working out for a way to power Cell Phone Towers in these areas using the renewable source of energy, the wind. With the fruition of this project, mobile communication cost will drastically be lowered while …

Fancy Rugs Made From Shoelaces

Rugs play an important role in keeping our place warm. Have we thought yet that these rugs can be eco-friendly as well? Well I definitely think this fancy rug from Nate Siverstein and Andrea Paustenbaugh is the great example. Made of presumably used shoelaces, these fancy rugs will keep you and your pets warm anytime. …

Ornamnetal Miniature Landscape By Ecosculpture

Feel the presence of the natural ecosystem at the comfort of your own home with the wonderful ornamental miniature landscape originally made by Ecosculpture. One can have their refreshing landscapes that include nature like ponds, animal, plants and more with the help of the talented people from ecosculpture. Aside from bringing nature inside your home …

W + W By Roca

It is so nice to hear today that numerous ways in saving our environment are now being developed by many of the designers and manufacturers worldwide. If you heard a lot about solar panels, wind turbines, recycled items, and so on, this time around it is time for our greywater to be involve in saving …

Save Your Rainwater With The Waterwall Fatboy Tank

Rainwater is a sustainable source for our water needs. It is free and endless. The Waterwall Fatboy tank is the perfect tool to use in saving your rainwater and to save huge amount of money from your water bill. The waterwall tanks can hold up to 650 gallons of water despite of it being just …

Biowaste Bin by Christian Moser

Keeping your own place clean and keeping the environment safe at the same time is now made easier by Christian Moser with his Biowaste Bin. Without a drastic change on one’s day-to-day activities, everybody can still help save the environment by simply separating their waste that they already do on their daily lives. The best …

Green Fashionable Rings By Anthony Roussel

Designer Anthony Roussel has created a wonderful and stylish eco-friendly rings and bracelets. Made from presumably recycled wood and cork, Roussel has worked with layers in order to come up with numerous beautiful 3D designs. The designs look really great and eye-catching. I have observed lately that more and more designers are now into designing …

Packaging De CD By Elie Monge

With the aim to replace the traditional plastic CD cases, Uqam packaging class Elie Monge has created a cd case that is made of recycled and recyclable cardboard. The case comes in a detachable continuous strip that is adaptable to the number f CDs that is going to be packaged. The case is very slim …

Float Lamp By Benjamin Hubert

Style can be achieve even if you are using recycled materials, and that is what Benjamin Hubert is trying prove with his stylish float lamp that is made of waste cork from the manufacturers of wine stoppers. Created for Danish design brand Unique Copenhagen, the Float pendant lamp of Benjamin Hubert will be presented at …