Creative Action for Forest by Greenpeace and Jamy Yang

Taking actions to help save the environment is very rewarding, and doing it with the world’s known environmental advocate is even more of an achievement. Jamy Yang through the invitation of Greenpeace China designed The Bookshelf that is made of cardboard and mimics the looks of a tree. To promote green publishing in China and …

Green Nest: The Greenest House On Earth?

Green architecture has been around for quite some time. Some of them uses solar energy or wind energy to support the structure’s electricity need, making them qualified to be classified as green architecture. Some of the structures use recycled materials like PET bottles, recycled lumber, and more in order to be categorized as eco-friendly and …

Solar Windows: Sustainable Energy Within Reach

With the skyrocketing electricity prices and with the aim to help save the environment, looking for some ways to save energy is now everybody’s concern. We have heard a lot about installing solar panels on roofs to collect solar power that supports the electricity need of a certain house. Today, collecting the sustainable solar energy …

Latro Algae Lamp: An Algae Powered Lamp

When it comes to sustainable design, resources are endless. For the various eco-friendly lighting designs that we have in the market today, all of them have different sustainable sources just to power the light. Some uses solar energy, some wind, while others use kinetic energy. The Latro Algae lamp is a unique eco-friendly lamp that …

Enoki Rome Ecocity: OFL Architecture’s Sustainable Project

Designing and eco-friendly structure requires a lot of courage, inspiration, and love for the environment. Claimed to be eco-friendly and sustainable, the Enoki Rome Ecocity by the OFL Architecture is a sustainable project that is installed above Rome. The Enoki is a 150 stories structure that has self-contained small cities. Residences, commercial spaces, green areas, …

Photosynthesis Car: Futuristic And Eco-friendly Car Concept

Automobile design is really evolving. New car designs are not just beneficial to the environment but have the striking and futuristic look as well. The Photosynthesis Car by designers Michal Vlcek and Klavir has the look of the future. True to its name, the car houses numerous plants and with the help of the special …

Wind-powered Rickshaw: Transports With Zero Carbon Emission

Rickshaw is a popular mode of transportation in many of the Asian countries like India, Nepal, and more. The original rickshaws are pedal powered but get tired of doing that is why the motor powered rickshaw is made. However, with the aim to help reduce carbon emission and eventually help save the environment, Kathmandu, Nepal …

Jarst: A Composter That Works Indoor

Normally composters are placed outdoors to keep the house free from foul odor. However, the Jarst works the other way around. This one of a kind composter perfectly works out fine indoors. Now you can easily recycle the organic wastes from your kitchen without having to worry about the foul odor to occur. Aside from …

The Gap House: The Space Saver House

If you are one of those who want to save some space and the environment from harm at the same time, living or simply taking the Gap House by Pitman Tozer Architects as your model will definitely answer your need. This 8-feet wide site in London is the place where the four-story Gap House was …

Planet Solar: The World’s Largest Solar Powered Boat

When it comes to global warming responses, solar power is definitely the most popular. We have heard numerous solar powered homes, vehicles, and more. when it comes to boats, the Planet Solar is a boat hailed as the largest solar powered boat in the world. The Planet Solar measures 100 feet long and 50 feet …