Solar Fab Lab House: An Entry To The First Solar Decathlon In Barcelona

With the aim to design the cheapest solar home in the world, IAAC or The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia has the Solar Fab Lab House as their Official entry to the competition. The fab lab house has the area of 75square meters and is ideal for a family with 4 members. The house …

GAIA Wall Mounted Air Purification System: A Wall Mounted Personal Eco-system

Air pollution is common to almost all cities around the world. This is obviously caused by the huge carbon emission that people produce on their daily activities. However, on the recent Electrolux Design Lab competition, designers are ask to design a futuristic product with the environment in mind. With the aim to have clean air …

SIG: A Self Energy Converting Sunglasses

Environment friendly gadget design is now growing as well just any other green designs that we can see in the market today. We have already seen some solar powered charger that convert sunlight to electricity to charge your mobile phone, MP3 players, iPod and more. Today another eco-friendly gadget will make your green living compliment …

Earthskin Footwear: Saves Your Feet As You Save The Earth

With the aim to help save the environment, we have heard a lot of eco-friendly products every now and then, green architecture, green clothing, green furniture design, green décor, and many more. However, how green they can really be? The Earthskin footwear is another green design by Ben Mazur as part of his ndergraduate degree. …

Swing State: An Eco-friendly Swing Made Of Recycle Material

Swinging while enjoying the summer breeze is fun, as you feel the clean air, the green lushes of grasses and trees and a lot more that nature can give. However, with the harsh treatment that people to the environment, they are now destroyed and were not able to produce those clean air that we need. …

GreenAid: Your Tool To Change For Change

When we say eco-friend and do cared for the environment, there are many consideration to make in order to be hailed as eco-friendly like using recycled or recyclable items, using sustainable energy, using earth friendly designs and more. Saving those trees can be the best thing that we can do for us to be considered …

Eco-Light: An Eco-friendly Lighting System

With the aim to help save the environment keep the earth safe from global warming, eco-friendly products and designs are coming out in the market. Eco-friendly lighting systems are just a few that is coming out like mushroom in the market today. We have seen so many solar powered lamps already. Some are lanterns while …

W101: The First Paper Table Lamp

When we say table lamp, most them are made from metal, wood, or any other hard materials. However, with the environment restoration in mind, designers Claesson Koivisto Rune created the W101, a table lamp made of paper. With the materials used for the lamp, the W101 is hailed to be the pioneer in being the …

NOKERO: The Solar Light Bulb For Developing Countries

In developing countries, many of them are still using the kerosene-powered lanterns, which are obviously harmful to the environment and is a threat to the user’s safety. With the aim to help the developing countries enjoy the bright lights people in the urban areas have, the NOKERO light bulb is made. As the name suggest, …

Hand Painted Canvass Bags: An Eco-friendly Yet Fashionably Trendy Bag

Living the eco-friendly way is not hard at all. Many have thought that it requires some suffering, for one will be limited to many things. This perception of green living is indeed a false one. One can be fashionable, trendy and live the normal fun life even if he or she opt to live the …