The Longest Bench: Designed To Save The Environment

Walking along the shoreline is fun and healthy activity. However, walking long distances can be tiring and may require us some rest every once in a while. Designers Studio Weave has installed probably the longest bench made ever. In this way, hikers will have the chance to rest every time they need to. What is …

Black Trail: An Eco-friendly Electronic Bike By PG Bikes

Bicycles are definitely one of the most earth friendliest modes of transportation from around the world. It produces zero carbon emission and helps keep its users fit as they go along. However, not all have the chance of biking like those who easily get tired as they pedal. Good thing the Black Trail is now …

Vertical City: An Eco-friendly Venezuelan Structure

The moment the vertical city will come into fruition, people living in slum areas of 23 De Enero Caracas will definitely be minimized if not eliminated. A British Architecture Collective Desitecture designs the 180-story building structure that will house retail hotel, apartments, social housing, local administration and offices and more. The structure will be having …

Teesside Power Station: An Eco-friendly Biomass Fuelled Power Station

With the growing population that the world has, scarcity in power generation has becoming a fear of almost each one of us. However, with the creation of the Teesside Power Station, our fears will soon be minimized. This one of a kind eco-friendly design is powered by a bio-mass fuel, thus it will be able …

Eco-cartridge: Epson’s Way To Help Save The Earth

The use of computer nowadays is becoming a necessity to most of us. We were able to do things new to us with just the scroll of our mouse. We can even have a hard copy of what we learn by printing it out. Because of this, empty printer cartridges continue to grow each day …

Straddling Bus: The Eco-friendly Public Transport Of The Future

Traffic jam is a common problem to big cities around the globe. To minimized traffic, various alternatives are being considered and the Straddling Bus cab probably is one of the best. The Straddling Bus is a public transport powered by electricity and sun. This wonderful bus transport is a two story bus and carries its …

Reclaimed Wood To Eco-friendly Mushroom Light

Do you love mushrooms? Do you like how they look as they sprout? Well, you will love them even more because you can now have this wonderful creature of nature into your room in the form of a cute and playful yet eco-friendly lighting system. Made from reclaimed wood, this one of a kind lighting …

Save On Energy Usage With The Orbital Washing Machine

Washing machines are one of the high-energy consumers among our home appliances and we cannot avoid using them for we need to keep our clothes clean at all time. The only way to save on energy is to look for some ways or alternatives as to how we can lower on our energy consumption without …

Love Coffee? Then Love The Eco Kettle

Coffee is one of the most popular drink we love to have anytime of the day. We can have it hot or iced. However we want it to be, it would be more rewarding if we are aware enough as to how our coffees are prepared. For hot coffee drinkers, you will probably love your …

NewRicksaw: An Eco-friendly Modern Rickshaw

Rickshaw is a known transport means in many of the third world countries. Drivers of this type of vehicles pedal to move the rickshaw forward. Designed for use in urban areas as well, the NewRicksaw is an eco-friendly rickshaw that is electric powered and thus produces zero emission. This three-wheeled vehicle comes in a sleek …