The Eco-Friendly 60Bag by Katarzyna Akinczyc and Reminiguiz Truchanowicz

Fashionably trendy bags are perfect for today’s aim of saving the environment. The Eco-Friendly 60Bag by Katarzyna Akincyz and Raminiguiz Truchanowicz definitely meets the requirement of being fashionably trendy and eco-friendly at the same time. The 60Bag is made out of flax-viicose non-woven fabric that is polish made and is produced with flax fiber industrial …

Tweet-a-Watt Twittering Power Meter

Monitoring your energy consumption is a good way in showing your love for the environment. However, doing this is not an easy task to do. Designers, Limor Fried, Adafruit Industries and Philipp Torrone had created the Tweet-a-Watt. The Tweet-a-Watt is a modified Kill-a-Watt power meter that will publish the energy usage of a particular household …

Save the Earth, Use Toyota’s Eco Car

Driving in an earth friendly manner has never been a wonderful experience. Providing us this great experience of modern mobility while keeping the environment safe, is the Toyota’s Eco car that is made of seaweed. This hybrid car will be shown at the Melbourne International Motor Show in Australia. A 500cc engine powers this sleek …

Light Wind: For an Eco-Friendly Light

There is no doubt that the natural wind has the ability to produce energy. Moreover, because of that and the desire to use the natural resources like the wind, the Light Wind is created. Storing energy with this outside lamp is simply through the gentle and natural breeze. In addition, the energy is stores is …

Le Package by Thomas Jonkajtys

Eco-friendly packaging is a great way of avoiding and adding up to landfills we have. Packaging can be made of eco-friendly materials or are recyclable. In this way, after enjoying the packed product, it is now the time to enjoy the pack itself. Joining with some other designers for eco-friendly packaging is Thomas Jonkajtys. He …

Stylish Cabbage Chair by Issey Miyake

Japanese designer Issey Miyake had created an environment friendly, stylish chair made out of pleated paper that was produced in huge amount during the process of making pleated fabric, and is now normally abandoned as an unwanted by-product. The stylish chair created for XXIst Century Man was called as the cabbage chair. Just like the …

Save Energy and the Environment with the Lite by Animal Farm

Warm and modern design lights are great especially if it is an eco-friendly one, since the whole world is now focusing on saving the environment. Joining the whole world in being eco-friendly are the designers from Animal Farm that created the Lite. Made of plantation wood, the Lite is designed to only fit with energy …

Be Fashionably Eco-Friendly with the Treebuttons

Another great eco-friendly product made by Etsy is now up for grab. The Treebutton, a handcrafted wood buttons that is made from cross section of salvaged tree branches are KILN DRIED to 6 to 10 percent moisture content thus making the button split free over time. The eco-friendly tree button can now be used for …

The Eco-Friendly Luxury Catamaran Concept

Introduced in Berret Racoupeau Yacht Design is an eco-friedly luxury Catamaran Concept. Despite of the economic crisis that we are experiencing now, the Dusseldorf Boat Show still got a lot of success. This is because it features eco-friendly items and more and more people are getting aware of saving the environment. This eco-friendly luxury catamaran …

Environment Friendly Shelter Made of Plastic Wire and Packing Peanuts

Being eco-friendly seems to get into the nerves of our kids nowadays. A 12-year-old kid Max Wallack of Natick is proving this when he presented his Home Dome innovation during the WGBH’s Design Squad “Trash to Treasure” design contest. The Home Dome is a shelter for the homeless that is made from plastic, wire, and …