Beautiful Heat Shrink Series by Daniel Rawlings

Every household had their crockery broken as time goes. A household’s broken crockery are supposed to be destined to landfills, but graduate designer from Kingston University Daniel Rawlings created a design called the Heat Shrink Series that gives the broken Crockery a new life. As a result, numerous wonderful and elegant vases are created, and …

EV Wireless Charging System From Nissan

The usage of electric vehicles nowadays has been increasing by numbers as more and more people are now aware of the environment. Using an electric vehicle is one of the most effective ways of saving the environment from pollution due to its zero emission technology. With the increase of electric vehicles, the demand for a …

Hudson River Park Trust By LOT-EK

Used shipping container has now become a popular architectural material to many of the Architects worldwide. Lately, LOT-EK has designed the Hudson River Park that will house a place for films at the rooftop, flexible green space, open-air public market, and underwater educational and exhibition space. This wonderful structure is designed for Pier 57 that …

The Sole Power Tile By SRS Energy

Integrating solar power into our homes means putting those huge and bulky solar panels on top of our roofs. However, captures this will never be the issue anymore with the wonderful creations of SRS energy called The Sole Power Tile. Unlike the traditional bulky solar panels, the Sole is designed to seamlessly integrate this eco-friendly …

Telok Blangah Hill Park: Built With Respect To Nature

Unlike any other parks that cut down trees to provide more space for the park, the Telok Blangah Hill Park instead preserved all the trees and the creations in it as their form of request to nature. This wonderful eco-park was built 120 feet above the forest ground, giving way for the forest and forest …

Sun: The Sun-powered Dryer

Drying your clothes can now be energy saving but not on the traditional hang drying method. Designer Tian Lingrui has created the hip and stylish laundry dryer called the Sun. as the name suggests, the Sun can dry your clothes with the help of the sustainable power of the sun. All you have to do …

Mushroom By Cristian Visentin

NO! This is not the mushroom that we all know and eat. Mushroom is a recycling container that will help you live the green life without the need to change your lifestyle. This recycling container is just inspired by the growth cycle of a mushroom, and presumably is where the name came from. The mushroom, …

Entangled Bank: Self-Reliant Eco-City

An architecture firm from Charlotte, North Carolina called Little Diversified Architectural Consulting has turned a vacant parking lot in Dallas into a self-reliant eco-city called the Entangled Bank. The reason of it being self-sufficient is its features that include a green walled citadel that has solar panels, agricultural field, and a greywater treatment and recycling …

Arrow Cardboard Chair By Konstantin Achkov

Living the green life does not end with having a solar power or wind turbines at homes but also it can be through your household furniture that are made from sustainable materials. One great example of it is the stylish Arrow cardboard chair by a Bulgarian sculpture and designer Konstantin Achkov. Comes with a colorful …

RMDivider By Ben Blanc

A stylish divider is what we need to separate one area of our home to another. Designer Ben Blanc has created the RMDivider that is not only stylish and wonderful but is also eco-friendly. The said divider is made of cardboard, is exclusively design for Cardboardesign, a company dedicated to all eco-friendly things, and is …