
Piloh Hangers: Eco-friendly And Stylish

Broken hangers are generally thrown away and are destined to our landfills. With sustainability in mind, the Piloh Hangers are created. These elegant and stylish hangers are made from broken hangers and are covered with felt. Therefore, if you have lots of broken hangers at home, you better not throw it yet. Grab some felt …

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Interior Design Recycle

Flo: The Eco-friendly Lighting System

Many of us are not aware that like water, electricity should also be conserved. In this regard and with the aim to help remind people about the need of conserving electricity, designer Michael Angelini had created the Flo, an eco-friendly lighting system that like that of water, people will be reminded about the electricity they …

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Furniture Recycle

Schair: A That Allow People To Share Seats

Inspired by an awkward experience wherein one has to share a seat with another in crowded places, Pratt design student Charlotte Kreitman has created the Schair. Made from reclaimed wood, the Schair is not only an eco-friendly furniture but is also a perfect furniture to use when in crowded area, for it is designed to …

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