Interior Design Recycle

Flicker: Packs Things And Lights Up Rooms

Packaging materials are generally destined to be on our landfills after every use, which is eventually not a good idea for the environments. With the aim to help save the earth, designer Randy Chiang has created the Flicker, a packaging designed that allows users to recycle and use it as a lamp. The Flicker can …

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Furniture Recycle

Last Place: En Eco-Friendly Bench

Cobblers of the past use shoe lasts to repair and make new shoes. With the constant evolution of shoemaking process, these shoe lasts became obsolete and eventually destined to be on the landfills. However, Dressler Brothers prevent the shoe lasts from being on the landfills and recycled it and made the eye-catching bench called the …

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Eco-friendly Chair In Eco-Leather

Eco-friendly products are now sprouting like mushroom from all over the world in the form of various products. This stylish yet eco-friendly furniture from Pure Inspired Design is just one of the great examples of eco-friendly products that earth-friendly people can enjoy. This stylish and comfortable chair is 38 inches with and comes in eco-leather. …

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Furniture Recycle

A Chair Affair To Remember

Eco-friendly designs come in different forms and are made from different earth friendly materials and many of them are made of corrugated cardboard. At the 2009, Chair Affair 49 colleges and Universities across the Unites States of America have submitted their entries of eco-friendly chairs made from corrugated cardboard. Looking at the pictures, these chairs …

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