
Modern Prefabs Are Ideal for Temporary Homes

A new and modern way of building a home is now starting to hit the United States. It has been noted by David Greene at well that American has been living in prefabs for years already. The prefab is noticeably cheaper than building a mini house. Its contemporary internal design is attractive and fashionable. These …

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Architecture Design and Concept

Building Eco Hotel in a Quarry

Eco luxury hotel in a quarry. Building a hotel in a quarry is such a great idea for an architect. Nobody wants to use areas that have been destroyed already by humans. However, the firm Atkins didn’t think it this way. In fact, they positively designed the proposed Songjiang Hotel that will be placed in …

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Casa Tolo Building Embraces Natural Environment

Casa Tolo is designed with the purpose of using as a vacation house for the architects wife, children, and cousins, the Casa Tolo is located on one of the steep hill northern Portugal. Normally, architects use to fight with natural environment, however Siza did in contrast. He embraced it and uses the slope as the …

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7 Amazing Olympic Green Buildings in Beijing

China has been known to have a polluted air for many years now. However, their courage of building an eco-friendly Olympic village will definitely change the image of China as the main contributor to our green house gases. They have used various eco friendly materials and processes to run the Olympic village. One sample of …

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Architecture Design and Concept

Vertical Farms in New York City

It is now undeniable that our cities have been full of buildings and business infrastructures. However, how about having a farm in the building next door? Architects, designers and agriculturists in New York have collaborated that resulted to an idea of creating sustainable urban farms. Some leaders are now considering of studying the idea in …

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