
Living Root As A Bridge

Who would ever think that people can build bridges without the use of those earth destroying materials? Hard to believe but its true! People from Meghalaya, India are proud in presenting their eco-friendly bridge that is made of natural and live roots of their abundant rubber tree. The Indians have successfully guided the roots and …

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Architecture Solar Energy

House On The Water By Formodesign

Housing becomes one of the problems in cities around the globe. That is why many of the designers are now designing houses that can be built in the water and the House on the Water by Formodesign is one of a great example. This proposal has eco-friendly features like the water desalination, energy accumulation, ventilation …

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Architecture Recycle

Hudson River Park Trust By LOT-EK

Used shipping container has now become a popular architectural material to many of the Architects worldwide. Lately, LOT-EK has designed the Hudson River Park that will house a place for films at the rooftop, flexible green space, open-air public market, and underwater educational and exhibition space. This wonderful structure is designed for Pier 57 that …

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Architecture Recycle Solar Energy

The Sole Power Tile By SRS Energy

Integrating solar power into our homes means putting those huge and bulky solar panels on top of our roofs. However, captures this will never be the issue anymore with the wonderful creations of SRS energy called The Sole Power Tile. Unlike the traditional bulky solar panels, the Sole is designed to seamlessly integrate this eco-friendly …

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Architecture Recycle Solar Energy

Entangled Bank: Self-Reliant Eco-City

An architecture firm from Charlotte, North Carolina called Little Diversified Architectural Consulting has turned a vacant parking lot in Dallas into a self-reliant eco-city called the Entangled Bank. The reason of it being self-sufficient is its features that include a green walled citadel that has solar panels, agricultural field, and a greywater treatment and recycling …

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Architecture Recycle

Up-cycled Quaint Backyard Retreat

When replacing your window to achieve energy efficiency, then you are on your way to create a great escape from your home’s toxic situation. The Up-cycled Quaint Backyard Retreat is a great example of what I am talking about. Made from old windows, this one of a kind outdoor hideaway will not only provide you …

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Architecture Solar Energy

U.S. Army In Fort Irwin Goes Green

The U.S. Army’s Fort Irwin base in the Mojave Desert in California has unveiled its installation of a 500-megawatt solar energy project and is expected to be the Department of Defense’s biggest Solar Project. The project’s solar power is going to be generated via photovoltaic panels and solar concentrators wherein the solar energy is collected …

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