Bags are already part of our daily lives as we use it in almost everything that we buy. People of today’s generation, continues to look for ways in producing grocery bags that saves our mother nature, yet of the same quality. This is why Daylesford Organic has come to an idea of creating this cool elegant in design organic biodegradable bag as containers on their pasteurized and unhomogenized organic milk. Since it is biodegradable, it will help eliminate the overflowing landfills of plastics we currently have. Daylesford Organic milk in biodegradable container is not only good for our health but also for our earth.
Source : Daylesford Organic
Are the claims of biodegradability accurate? It’s made of 60% PP and PE resin.
They do indicate that it is light weight (super light) and uses a minimum amount of material. But I did not read that it was Biodegradable.