Eco-friendly designs are now gaining attention even in the fashion world with the Eco-Glam Womenswear Collection, a collection of womenswear for the LEVI’s Womenswear Award 2011.
Designed by Francesca Paolin, the Eco-Glam boasts of some of its garments that has the ability to generate its own electricity, which sounds totally awesome. Other garments on the other hands are proudly handcrafted. The Eco-Glam Womenswear Collection is designed for a luxury hotel that gives guests the chance to have some garments available for use. They can use the Womenswear Collection in mixture with their own stuffs when the check-in. The embroideries and decorations that the Eco-Glam Womenswear Collection has create a feeling of like couture.
Source: Franchesca Paolin
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