Solar Sound Bluetooth Speaker By Devotec

Another wonderful eco-friendly gadget from Devotec here called the Solar Sound Bluetooth Speaker. As the name suggests, this techie speaker is powered by the solar panels that are attached on top of this stylish speaker. This wonderful speaker is lightweight, portable, and yet was still able to provide crisp sound. The solar sound speaker can …

Solar Impulse Night Flight: Flying without fuel, that’s a crazy project

Eco-friendly projects can sometimes sounds crazy and impossible. The people behind the Solar Impulse Night Flight Project have announced the next crucial step that Altran took for the project called the first Solar Impulse Night Flight: Flying without fuel, that’s a crazy project, a mad gamble, almost impossible, one that pushes back the current technological …

Solar DJ By Antonno Versteeg

Playing outdoor is always fun. We get to release our stress and get the most from our healthy environment. That is if we still have a healthy environment. Designer Antonno Verseeg has created an eco-friendly device called the Solar DJ that will let everybody enjoy the beauty of nature playing outdoor activities without harming the …

Tiny Robot, Providing Fun And Excitement Whilst Keeping The Environment Safe

Robots still tops the list of our boys when it comes to their toys. Normally, robots are battery operated and thus, emitting carbon energy, which is obviously harmful to the environment. With the aim to provide fun and excitement whilst keeping the environment safe, the Tiny Robot or the Solar Robot by Middle Creek Merchants …

Helios Griller Transforms Sunlight into Usable Energy

Grilling is one of the favorite dishes I have. I usually use the traditional grilling process with the use of a fire. This may sound unfriendly to the earth but I swear the taste is exceptional. However, Helios is now here to help us continue our love of grilling but in an eco-friendly manner. Helios …