Use Your Discarded Pallet In Creating Sustainable Furniture Called Paletto.

Wooden pallets are normally discarded or tossed off after every shipment, but not if you make the Paletto. Cargo companies use new set of pallets every shipment producing huge number of discarded pallets in landfills.

Eco-swivel Desk Lamp: An Eco-friendly Design From Marcantonio Raimondi Malerba

Storing old and broken items at home can be an eyesore. Why not give these items a new life by recycling. The Eco-swivel lamp by Marcantonio Raimondi Malerba is made from recycled broken furniture and a timber. Presumably, timbers used in this project are sustainably sourced or leftovers by wooden furniture manufacturers or makers. This …

Hiya Series : Kids Products from Spot on Square

Hiya Series furniture is a new collection from Spot on Square. They have created the Hiya series for our kids comfort and safety as well. I called it safety because the company uses non-toxic paint on all of their products. They use low VOC non-toxic paints and MDF which is made of recycled/reclaimed materials on …