Great Way To Save Energy and Improve Air Quality

Hi guys, this is a guest post, hopefully you enjoy this article from Lorie Wampler. Lorie Wampler is the founder of SplitAirConditioning blog. It’s a nonprofit web site centered on her personal experience with hvac to cut down energy use and improve indoor air quality. With this she would like to increase the consciousness on …

Center For Sustainable Energy Technologies By Mario Cucinella Architects

Mario Cucinella Architects built the Center for Sustainable Energy Technologies in China as part of Nottingham University expansion in Ningbo, China. The building will focus on the use of sustainable energy like the solar power, photovoltaic energy, wind power, and the list goes on. This newly built building will house visitor’s center, research laboratories, and …

Almost Zero Energy Bardessono Luxury Inn

Solar powered structure as truly amazing and very rewarding. More and more designers are into solar powered houses. This ideas and designs really make people aware that they can enjoy their electronic appliances with the use of the natural resources around them. In this way, they don’t need to depend on electricity that will eventually …

Modern Homes From Discarded Items

It is so nice to have modern homes, and it would be even nicer if we have our modern homes made from recycled materials. Designers from Infiniski will make us feel the happiness of living green. The group has created a wonderful and modern house made from materials that people would not think useful. Materials …

Recycled Shipping Container House

Designed by IC Green Inc, the recycled shipping container house is just another addition to the green container architecture that we have in the world today. Aside from the recycled container as its main material, this wonderful green housing boasts off their numerous green features inside the house. These features include the eco friendly finishing …

Transbay Transit Center & Funicular Extravaganza Rendering

A rendering of the Transbay Transit was revealed and I was amazed not only of its excellent architectural design but with its aim to go green and meet the requirements of becoming an eco-friendly structure as well. It aims for a LEED gold certification and is not the usual enclosed transit station that everybody is …

The Eco House by Desiño Earle

Another eco-friendly house is built in Spain. It has great architectural design that made the house a desire for everyone to own. The house has various environment friendly features such as the cooling system it has the 30cm deep canal water in the living area, which form part of the cooling system. It also has …

Building Eco Hotel in a Quarry

Eco luxury hotel in a quarry. Building a hotel in a quarry is such a great idea for an architect. Nobody wants to use areas that have been destroyed already by humans. However, the firm Atkins didn’t think it this way. In fact, they positively designed the proposed Songjiang Hotel that will be placed in …

Home Contained: A Home Made From Cargo Containers

Cargo containers are now gaining the attention of many architects, engineers, and designers as a useful architectural material. Debbie Glassberg joins with any other container lovers and had the Home Contained built. Located in Kansas City, Missouri, the Home Contained has the area of 2,600 square feet and is made of five metal containers. Aside …

The Omega Center: Provides Sustainable Living

Sustainable is now very easy to the point that you can barely notice you are. This is probably because of the various sustainable designs that we can use on our daily lives. The Omega Center by BNIM is another addition to the designs that will help us experience sustainable living. The Omega is an education …