Bar2: An Eco-friendly Table Design

Leftover woods normally are discarded, destined to our landfill, or tossed into fire. These acts are obviously not favorable to the environment. Everybody knows it, especially with the widespread call of fighting global warming. Designer Eveline Pieters in collaboration with Jeroen Verschuren has created the Br2 Table, a foldable sustainable table that can be used …

Barack: The Eco-friendly Shoe Design

Eco-friendly designs in the fashion world are now becoming a trend. More and more designers are creating innovative design that has less impact to the environment. Design Director of AMC Design House UK Asher M. Clark has presented to Igreenspot their new eco shoe design called Barack for Terra Plana. From Asher: Barrack – Glue …

Enjoy A Fresh And Eco-friendly Environment With cmsGardens 4 Pocket Vertical Wall Garden Planter

If you can’t spread horizontally, then go vertical especially when it comes to your gardening needs with the help of cmsGardens 4 Pocket Vertical Wall Garden Planter. Space is becoming a problem especially in large and crowded cities. However, because of those great inventor minds and great dedication in helping save the environment, vertical planters …

Travel With Less To Zero Smoke By Driving A Jetson Eco-Friendly Electric Bike

With various eco-friendly products like Jetson Eco-Friendly Electric Bike now being widely available in the market, it obviously shows that people are getting aware of climate change and carbon emission. If like them, you too want to do your share in taking care of the environment, time now for you to own one of the …

Urban Furniture Design Bin, Bike Racks By PelizziArchitettura

Designing with no waste is the philosophy of the makers of Urban Furniture Design Bin, Bike Racks byPelizziArchitettura. The process includes punching of the litter stone slabs that generate the elements, which then later reclaimed as bike racks. The litter stone slabs used in making the bike racks came from a litterbin called POLO, which …

Perm-A-Mulch Recycled Rubber Border For An Eco-friendly Garden

Gardening alone is a good way to care the environment, as it will prevent soil erosion and the use of eco-friendly garden tools and materials like the Perm-A-Mulch Recycled Rubber Border will not only prevent soil erosion but will also help minimize the growth of landfills. The border is made from recycled, post industrial, and …

Heinz Beanz Chandelier Is An Eco-Friendly Lighting Solution by Willem Heeffer

Upcycling things offers many good effects like saving money and the environment and so Willem Heefer’s eco-friendly creation called Heinz Beanz Chandelier is definitely ideal for people who want to save money and at the same time help save the environment. In this project, 334 cans of Heinz Beanz are upcycled by the designer for …

Use Eco-friendly Recycled Square Outdoor Chair Cushion For A Clean Outdoor Stay

Staying outside catching some fresh air is a good way to relax and free ourselves from stress especially if we are using the Eco-friendly Recycled Square Outdoor Chair Cushion because it will not only gives us the comfort we need to relax but also it allows us to help save the environment. Comes with a …

Eco-friendly Pleiades CD Case By Kastos Bartsokas

As a designer, Kastos Bartsokas is excited in designing the Eco-friendly Pleiades CD case because he will not only showcase his artwork for the benefit of the Greek-speaking polyphonic singing female group Pleiades but also he will be able to help save the environment. The CD case design is inspired by the group’s clean vocal …

Tree Trunk Tables Are Eco-Friendly Yet Stylish

If you are dreaming of owning a furniture piece that will not only take care of your home interior or landscape, but also will take care of the environment, then having a piece or two of Tree Trunk Tables in your home is a perfect option. As its name suggests, the tables are made of …